What are some characteristics orientalism and how it has became discrimination toward Muslim and Arab Americans?

my understanding Orientalism is view of people and history of the orient with no recognition of change over time.

Can some one explain to me what i am looking for i am really confused.

This article rightly points out that the word Orientalism can have differing meanings. I suspect you are working on the meaning given it by Said, and this article does well on explaining that.

and here is another less objective article:

If i am reading and understanding this the characteristic of the orientalism is the behavior, habit,
tradition of the people in the east. but the way the scholar took it and wrote about the people was not more if there own imagination of how they conceived the information which showed a different side of orient. that how people have become prejudice and discriminate aginst these people am I correct so far. if not please explain it to because some things i still do not understanad like when the scholar went to observe the orient what was they looking for was it gain power. or was it to learn there culture , history and language.

You are trying to find out if you are stupid or not and the answer is duh, yes you are idiot!

Ha, I am a college student and I have this same homework assignment. I do not understand it either. I typed it into google and got this site. I am just as lost as you are buddy.


what are some characteristics of orientalism?

All of you are not smart. All of you do not know the answer to the question.

what are three characterics of orientalism?

If you know the answer, then share it with everyone.

It is the generalizations of cultures, racial, and religious prejudices. it is the differences of the "West" and the "East" empires and what is inferior and alien to the West (Americans).

Thank you, Wanda. That actually gave me some insight into the question. I, too, had the same question for an assignment.

Just because people got stuck on this question doesn't mean they are stupid. It is rude to call someone stupid because you are not perfect either. Any body can act smart but most are not. So keep your dumb comments to yourself because it just makes you look stupid for being ignorant.

i am having the same problem with this question. Thanks wanda for your help

User Icon for Christel Christel answered
17 years ago

I'm having the same problem with this as everyone else in the class.

User Icon for sherry sherry answered
16 years ago

too funy I am here a year later looking for the same questions so thank all of you guys/.. you must be at Universiy of Phoenix.

User Icon for Margaret Margaret answered
16 years ago

Trying to get the same info!! LOL

User Icon for LeeAnn LeeAnn answered
16 years ago

Thats real funny!!! I am here 2 years later with the same assignment.. Yes! it is University of Pheonix.. I bet you have long graduated!

User Icon for Amanda Amanda answered
16 years ago

LeeAnn I think you are in my class I am stuck also. LOL

User Icon for Jodi Jodi answered
16 years ago

I am in University of Phoenix as well, and here looking for clarification. Thank you all for what you have posted, it has been a great help.

User Icon for Kelly Kelly answered
16 years ago

Hahahahahahahahhaha, UOP. Me too.

User Icon for Kimber Kimber answered
16 years ago

According Pyne, how have post-9-11 government responses affected prejudice and discrimination against Muslims, Arabs, and related groups?

o List two to three characteristics of Orientalism. How may Orientalism and prejudice contribute to hate crimes against these groups?
o In addition to the examples of tolerance identified in the article, what else can individuals do to promote tolerance and reduce prejudice in their towns and cities?
For ideas, go to

Said argues that Orientalism can be found in current Western depictions of "Arab" cultures. The depictions of "the Arab" as irrational, menacing, untrustworthy, anti-Western, dishonest, and--perhaps most importantly--prototypical, are ideas into which Orientalist scholarship has evolved. These notions are trusted as foundations for both ideologies and policies developed by the Occident. Said writes: "The hold these instruments have on the mind is increased by the institutions built around them. For every Orientalist, quite literally, there is a support system of staggering power, considering the ephemerality of the myths that Orientalism propagates. The system now culminates into the very institutions of the state. To write about the Arab Oriental world, therefore, is to write with the authority of a nation, and not with the affirmation of a strident ideology but with the unquestioning certainty of absolute truth backed by absolute force." He continues, "One would find this kind of procedure less objectionable as political propaganda--which is what it is, of course--were it not accompanied by sermons on the objectivity, the fairness, the impartiality of a real historian, the implication always being that Muslims and Arabs cannot be objective but that Orientalists. . .writing about Muslims are, by definition, by training, by the mere fact of their Westernness. This is the culmination of Orientalism as a dogma that not only degrades its subject matter but also blinds its practitioners."

it often implies essentializing and prejudiced outsider interpretations of Eastern cultures and peoples.

The simplistic view of the people and history of the Orient with no recognition of change over time or the diversity within its many cultures

the mosque does not represent
religious freedom and diversity or even a curiosity but a foreign threat in yet
another example of Orientalism. Muslim groups have found some communities
blocking their efforts to build religious centers.

In form and magnitude, they are much like what is shown toward
other subordinate groups. Regrettably, the situation appears to have gone beyond Orientalism
in which one sees people as “the other” and somewhat frightening. What
makes current expressions of hostility strikingly different are that the events of the
21st century have been given a decidedly patriotic fervor; that is, for many who overtly
express their anti-Muslim or anti-Arab feeling, they are also being pro-American.

This lack of truly understanding
one another is not totally new, but is
built upon the Orientalism that has its roots in
the initial contacts between Europeans and
the people of the Middle East and South Asia.

Orientalism studies the following in the Near and Far East:


but felt more negative toward U.S. citizens of Arab descent, new immigrants, Palestinians, and residents of Islamic or Middle Eastern countries.

By requiring male immigrants from Middle Eastern, South Asian, and other Muslim countries to register with authorities, the government is signaling that all males from those countries are dangerous, when the Justice Department detained 750 immigrants, mostly South Asian and Middle Eastern, on minor immigration violations to look for terrorist ties. A recent Department of Justice internal report tells how the government held many people without any proof of terrorist links, often for long periods of time, effectively stigmatizing entire groups.

In the months immediately following 9-11, hate crimes against Muslims shot up to 34 times their pre-attack levels, according to FBI reports. The Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), based in Washington, D.C., reported that hate crimes against people believed to be of Middle Eastern descent increased 40 times before dropping to about double the former rate—and that rate has held steady.

Reports of workplace bias have stayed consistently high. Complaints to the U.S. Equal Opportun-ity Employment Commission of discrimination against Muslim workers have doubled. Reports to the ADC of employment discrimination against Arab Americans quadrupled in 2002.

User Icon for smarty pants smarty pants answered
16 years ago

Wow! This is awesome... I'm not the only one confused on this question.

User Icon for Michael Jackson Michael Jackson answered
16 years ago

How bout we get together sometime and have a 12 way?

User Icon for Barbara Barbara answered
16 years ago

In reading I understood Orientalism as being a westerner writing about a people they did not know or understand. How important religion, government,and raising their children were unimportant because, the westerners had made up their minds before they started writing that all these people did was kill. These people are fighting for their cultures and religious beliefs not to be influenced by outsiders.

User Icon for TEMARA TEMARA answered
16 years ago

I am here from the same university and have been lost. This is all too funny

User Icon for Joi Joi answered
16 years ago

I really dread answering this question because I am lost.

To the person that wanted to call everybody dumb for not understanding. Who are you to sit and call people out their names that you don't even know? It goes show how "smart" you really are.

User Icon for Michelle Michelle answered
16 years ago

how funny i am going to Phoenix to and looking for the same answers as all of you and I am sure you are probably in my class to but you are right when I heard orientalists I thought Asia you know I never would have thought in a hundred years it was a forum of racism

User Icon for Rachelle Rachelle answered
16 years ago

Thank you so much whoever posted all of this info. I am doing an assignment that is due tomorrow for UOP and I could not find anything online to really answer this question clearly for me.

User Icon for Danielle Danielle answered
15 years ago

I am from UOP to and seriously why isnt this in out material for the week? I am kind of getting frustrated with this school at the moment, but this helped out a lot

User Icon for Mel Mel answered
15 years ago

Me too U of P.

User Icon for Dianna Dianna answered
15 years ago

It's ok to help someone with an answer. At least the person can get some idea of the question is pertaining to. I appreciate all the things I have read except putting people down. I don't think we should do that. Everybody has their own preference, right?

User Icon for Triv Triv answered
15 years ago

I am atetending the UOP as well as everyone else. I am having some of the same problems. Why not give the student more information on the assignment if every person here continues to struggle with the same assignment? Well I got some of the information that I needed for this assignment so thanks to all who took part in this discussion. Have a good day.

User Icon for Holly Holly answered
15 years ago

I am so lost with this assignment!! Have been researching for 2 days and cannot find nothing on the changes of the policies concerning the treatment of Muslim and Arab Americans! These posts have helped ALOT!!!

User Icon for another UOP student another UOP student answered
15 years ago

how hilarious is this?! a whole year later and we are all having this same problem with the same question.. the only problem is that i still do not knkow how to answer this part of the question. these posts helped tremendously. Although i am still stuck.thanks all!!!

and lol


User Icon for Kath Kath answered
15 years ago

I'm here with the rest of you. Why does UOP ask questions they don't provide answers to? This concept is unclear and as far as I'm concerned not an integral part of the assignment, but b.s. my way through this and answer it I shall.

User Icon for Andi Andi answered
15 years ago

Axia College of the U of P student.

I too am having a dificult time with this question.

User Icon for Nicole Nicole answered
15 years ago

I believe since we are all here from U of P then we should have this link on our homepages.lol

By the way, this assignment really sucks.lol Im still clueless.

User Icon for Dawn Dawn answered
15 years ago

All I can say is I am so glad I am not alone with this one!

User Icon for Kristi Kristi answered
15 years ago

Axia online too!! It seems to me we have a lot of silly people for students according to the person at the top of the page. Who the hell in there right mind would know the answer to this question without researching it! Good luck to all of my fellow students on this assignment! See ya in class.


User Icon for No one No one answered
15 years ago

I just want to know who you think you are to down grade someone like that? That is rude and childish. How dare you talk about people like that. You know its said that you think you are so much better than everyone else becuase you know the anhat make you answer. That really makes you a pretty said soul! Maybe you really feel that way about yourself because people who call others name usually have an issue wtih thier self. That makes you a JERK!

User Icon for No one No one answered
15 years ago

Axia and im stuck too!!!!

User Icon for Tasia Tasia answered
15 years ago

UOP students from the past here I am a student in Jan 2009, we have all met again.

User Icon for Anonymous Anonymous answered
15 years ago

Whats up with getting called stupid for needing help with an answer. I have a perfect 4.0 and my lowest grade has been a 98%. yet, im in the same area looking for help. Maybe it's not the answers it the questions being asked. Haters gotta Hate i guess!

User Icon for Suz Suz answered
15 years ago

I chuckle when I find UOP assignments posted on Jiskha because then I know that they're not just difficult for me.

Also, this particular assignment blows, and the questions are vague in some areas.

User Icon for Sabrina Sabrina answered
15 years ago

Are you guys in my class at UOP? ha ha

User Icon for Holland Holland answered
15 years ago

yup in your class,I hate these questions all the answers are unclear I guess I'll just give my own interpretation of the answers, maann!! its going to take my grade percentage down to 93per (damn UOP)this is too funny everyboty is having the same problem.

User Icon for stacy stacy answered
15 years ago

Holland its ok we will all get a -A together

User Icon for Jen Jen answered
15 years ago

Axia UOP Too. This SUCKS! I agree that the school should maybe provide better resources for us students! Thanks to ya all for the help! Best of luck to all! Obviously, my assignment is late, but if they gave us better materials, they may have a better outcome!

User Icon for momma k momma k answered
15 years ago

UOP student as well. I am joining the ranks. I am stuck on this as well. I have never in my entire life heard of Oriental ism and I doubt it will ever cross my path again. Thanks for all the help. Good luck to us all.

User Icon for Van Van answered
15 years ago

i am lost also,i have been working on this answer for todays and have a headache trying to find it, hurting UOP student. help me somebody please!

User Icon for OfOj OfOj answered
15 years ago

Arabs are a race of people from the Arabian Peninsula. Muslims are a religious group who follow the teachins of Muhammad through Koran.

User Icon for OfOj OfOj answered
15 years ago

US Policy toward Arabs and Muslims: racial and religious profiling by the FBI is considered unconstitutional as it goes against the principals of our legal system; it violates the right to privacy.

User Icon for Ryberg Ryberg answered
15 years ago

Another UOP student..Thanks everyone for the help and insight on this topic. I was lost without you all.

User Icon for Joy Joy answered
15 years ago

Orientalism is a simplistic view of people and history of the Orient, not recognizing the diversity in its many cultures. This is a broad generallization and grouping (stereotyping) of all people from the Oriental nations around the world. Orientalism is a form of prejudice which can lead to hate and hate crimes against the Muslim and Arab Americans because of a lack of knowledge about their race and religious beliefs, and a fear of these people because they are different.

Yes, I am also an Axia UOP student and find the questions and answers a real pain in the ....! I'm glad to know I'm not alone.

User Icon for Katie Katie answered
15 years ago

Let me guess....ETH/125....right?...I find this crazy, Good luck!...Oh I can't find any answers either! but this deff. helps!

User Icon for Anonymous Anonymous answered
15 years ago

ETH/125 - try reading Chapter 11. Most of the answers are there. Find the bolded words. This is easy - Give me a break!!!!!!!!

User Icon for Amanda Amanda answered
15 years ago

I can not believe that we are almost all students of UOP. Its stupid that we are having to go through all this for one assingment. Any ways thanks for the Chp 11. I would have never thought to look there.

User Icon for Tara Tara answered
15 years ago

I am also a student at UOP and I will say that this is not the first class I have had problems with questions that they don't provide the answer to in any of the readings. I have a 4.0 and I am still having problems with this question!

User Icon for Laura Laura answered
15 years ago

2009 UoP student still stuck on this question...Thanks for all the help. Most of you have graduated or are pretty close by now, but thanks again!

User Icon for Sam Sam answered
15 years ago

Well now I don't feel so bad because I thought that I was just not looking at the right stuff that the University of Phoenix gave to use. I hope that everyone who has read this site did well on thier assingment.

User Icon for Joanna Joanna answered
15 years ago

WOW...Here I am 2 years and 8 months after the question was first asked and only 5 months after the last post, looking of the answer to the same question...and yes I am taking Eth/125 at UofP. I am glad to see that other people were as confused as I am. Also, to let you know, not like any of you are going to revisit this sight now that you are all probably graduated, but no, they (UofP) have not added any information pertaining to this weeks assignments (week 5). Thanks for the help!!

User Icon for Kimberley Kimberley answered
15 years ago

This is so funny I am UOP as well and I feel the same as all of you. To smarty pants what a fantastic expression of the material. The calling of names and putting people down for not knowing the answer, obviously we are all here to learn so I am sure there will be things you will not know at some point and if you do not come across items of the unknown then why are you paying a tuition to the university and not earning a paycheck from the university?

April 8th 2009

User Icon for Tina Turner Tina Turner answered
15 years ago

The individual making the unnecessary ignorant comments just confirms how stupid, and immature you really are. The sight is to help other's in need of unstanding not for humiliation and ignorance. If you cant help the situation please don't make attempts to harm or offend other's. I hope they are smart enough not to take answers from an individual such as yourself. People like you have low self esteem and it makes you feel better to insult others. Take a good look at your self and do everyone a huge favor and smack yourself while your at it. Silly rabbit tricks are for kids(GROW UP)!

User Icon for Jamie Jamie answered
15 years ago

LOL... Same school, same question, same issue!!! Different year ;-)

User Icon for Sarah Sarah answered
15 years ago

They still have the same assignment at UOP and here I am looking for the answer to the question. Thank you everyone for your answers or comments.

User Icon for Jamie Jamie answered
15 years ago

LOL... Same school. Same question. Same problem. Different year ;-)

User Icon for J.M. J.M. answered
15 years ago

Wow seems like everyone from UOP is looking for this answer... you'd think they would explain this stuff better.

Thanks for the help!

User Icon for Andre Andre answered
15 years ago

I'm at the UOP as well and although I got a laugh out of these "old posts" I still don't know what the characteristics of orientalism are? Can anyone just give a definite website or answer?

User Icon for sissy sissy answered
15 years ago

I too am from UOP. How funny...I too was lost but the answers here have help me understand, somewhat what type of answer I am looking for. I don't understand why there is not more clarification in our reading for the assignment and I cannot find anything online that can explain orientalism to me either. Thanks to those on here that have given beneficial answers.

User Icon for Anne Anne answered
15 years ago

Thanks for all of the information...I am glad to know that I am not the only one struggling to understand UOP's reading materials :D

User Icon for kristi kristi answered
15 years ago

I was lost too! My professor is tough. I have been a straight A student, til' this class and I am barely pulling a B. So frustrated!!

User Icon for Anonymous Anonymous answered
15 years ago

heres one for ya- THE ANSWER IS IN YOUR TEXT!!How dumb is that?

User Icon for Ashley Ashley answered
15 years ago

Neat! I am here almost a year later from U of P and looking for the same info! I am really frustrated with this school too and thanks for the info!

User Icon for Loso Loso answered
15 years ago

This website is classic! I too am from the University of Phoenix!!!!

User Icon for Alva Alva answered
15 years ago

From all the comments made regarding this assignment, it appears that the confusion and disputes will continue to exist not only between the West and the East, but also between the students of UOP. I believe it is time for an expert in this subject to provide us with an intelligent response. Perhaps then we can all learn something. It is my opinion that the word Orientalism has multiple meanings depending how it is to be used and what period of time.

User Icon for UOP Student UOP Student answered
15 years ago

Thanks for the help. This is the only website that even offers a bit of insight.

User Icon for Cori Cori answered
15 years ago

I don't have the answer - but I am also a UofP student trying to find the characteristics of Orientalism. This is a great find!! Is anyone out there from 2009? I would like to bookmark this site - if there is reason...

User Icon for Almetra Almetra answered
15 years ago

I'm looking for the same answer and I'm a student at the University of Phoenix. Thanks

User Icon for Princess Princess answered
15 years ago

From UofP also and looked to see if I was close on what I thought orientalism it too...thank you for all your help...

User Icon for Sammie Sammie answered
14 years ago

Looks like the beat is continuing, its 2009 and now I am looking for an answer, thanks for the input, from everyone.

User Icon for Debbie Debbie answered
14 years ago

Thanks to everyone that is so kind to take the time to help others!!

I too am an UOP student! YEAH GO UOP!!

Thanks again for all your help.

User Icon for Stephen Stephen answered
14 years ago

wow, this thread has gone on for awhile UOP student here as well...apparently this class has some issues

User Icon for Kaoscontrol Kaoscontrol answered
14 years ago

Just remember to paraphrase people, we are all using the same material and UoP saves all papers to watch for plagiarism.

User Icon for Jennifer Jennifer answered
14 years ago

You can review Chapter 11 for any students in Eth125. It did help me out alot. Yes, I do come here to look over and compare my answers, but it does really help to read the material first. If you would of read the materials for week 4 you would of found the answers.

User Icon for Crystal Crystal answered
14 years ago

Donkey that can't talk, that is so funny. Yes I am here in 2010 with the same question, they really do need to refresh their teaching material. I am still not sure what orientalism is because so many people put in different answers and some are very long and confusing. clarification anyone?

User Icon for Jennifer Jennifer answered
14 years ago

I attend the UOP and found this page to not be helpful at all. It seemed like a place to berrate people and put them down. Keep up the good work!

User Icon for Melissa Melissa answered
14 years ago

I agree, this page didn't help me at all. I read the whole chapter 11 and then did research online for answers.

User Icon for Mello Mello answered
14 years ago

SMH @ UoP maybe they need to change the syllabus or something same question....maybe just want you to guess to show that you are trying

User Icon for Anastasia Anastasia answered
14 years ago

UOP also. and this assignment is a pain. i am glad to see that it is an ongoing trend throughout YEARS though. this is crazy!

User Icon for Monica Monica answered
14 years ago

Wow this page is too funny...I am also a UoP student and found this to be unhelpful but I still enjoyed it...I think they need a new question.

User Icon for Nancy Nancy answered
14 years ago

I don't have an answer, but since that seems to have been a problem for more than 3 years, I do not feel bad.

User Icon for Adrianne Adrianne answered
14 years ago

UOP here. I found a lot of it in ch.11 but no policy changes. And if your question is asking what mine is then 2 years ago for me is a year ahead for the first people on here so what's the deal?

User Icon for Schannon Schannon answered
14 years ago

Well, yet another UOP studebt looking in all the wrong places for the answers, to all of you that said look in chapter 11, I am on my way. It is crazy that this many people have all been in the same place I am, and I am just wondering how ETH125 has anything to do with Healthcare Administration...

User Icon for LaLa LaLa answered
14 years ago

I'm also UOP and I can't find any policy changes anywhere. That's my main problem. Anyone find them??

User Icon for Dena Dena answered
14 years ago

I am a student of Axia and a proud member of the I don't know how to answer the Question but thanks to this web sit and all of the early student's writings.I can get my assigment done.Thanks

User Icon for Ashley Ashley answered
14 years ago

I'm also a Phoenix. Been researching this topic since morning. Guess I'm on my way to chapter 11.

User Icon for Momo6 Momo6 answered
14 years ago

I too am here from UOP for Eth125... I found the info in Chapter 11... Hope this helps to future people!

Here are some additional points on Orientalism:
1) Combining all people of middle eastern descent into a group shows
stereotypical behaviors and contributes to hate crimes against these groups.
2) Prejudice, assumptions, and stereotypes are all characteristics of
3) Xenophobia towards people from the orient (middle east)

Orientalism is basically a term for prejudice against eastern cultures by the
West. The idea is that the West treats the East as inferior and stereotypes the
people. The West lacks understanding of the East so it makes up its own false
reality about the East.
Orientalism and prejudice may contribute to hate crimes by giving people
negative impressions of others based on their appearance or origin. It causes
the stereotyping or lumping of innocent people into a group. Have you ever
encountered a Sikh? Most Americans assume these men are Muslims(due to their
headgear) when in fact, they despise Muslims.

User Icon for sunni sunni answered
14 years ago

I do not like this class, I am from UOP it is just so ughhhh!!!But it is pretty cool that mostly everyone is from UOP or is it cool. Now I am starting to second guess!!! hmmm....hahahaha

User Icon for Brit Brit answered
14 years ago

UOPX.. i think i'm going to pull all my hair out.

this is really hard and sucks a lot.

i cant seem to find the answers i am searching for. thank god i'm on the east coast and have until like 3am to get this in.

goodluck ppl

User Icon for kim kim answered
14 years ago

I was also frustrated and have been with the lack of instruction at axia, you are left on you own to find info that is almost impossible to verify sometimes...anyway just for help I did find some of the new policies by typing into google policy changes concerning muslims and arabs...hope this helps everyone.

User Icon for ann ann answered
13 years ago

Ahh axia is diffucult they do just leasve you hanging. Amnd if you ask the wrong questions you then get riduculed for asking thanks for the help this is a great site

User Icon for Mike Mike answered
13 years ago

UOP student here. November 17, 2010. American treats Arab-Americans with orientalism out of fear of the unknown. America wants immigrants to be christions that beleive in Jesus, which muslims do not so some communities make laws to prohibit Islam symbols of their religiouds buildings, including not having the traditional dome on their mosque. This is just one form of orientalism.

User Icon for Dennis Dennis answered
13 years ago

UOP ETH/125 Wed. 12, 2011

User Icon for Rene Rene answered
13 years ago

UOP student here! I do not get on here to have people do my homework. I look for ideas on how to answer the questions I have not take the answers and turn them into mine.

User Icon for mel mel answered
13 years ago

I am having problems with this assignment as well. What do they mean by characteristics of orientalism?

User Icon for Dee Dee answered
13 years ago

i think I am going to lose my A with this question because I can't find anything on it!

User Icon for April April answered
13 years ago

Dee, I am right there with you. This paper is incredibly hard and the resources we have to choose from are ridiculous. Axia needs to update their questions!

User Icon for Jenn Jenn answered
13 years ago

I can't believe all the student over the years with the same questions from UOP. I am a student there as well. I am having a hard time with this assignment as well. I believe the assignment was created after 9/11 and has never been updated because there is nothing new on this topic. I am so stuck right now.

User Icon for Suna Suna answered
13 years ago

The answer for the orientlism part is in Chapter 11. The policy changes are...? Sigh.

User Icon for Kristina Kristina answered
13 years ago

UOP~It makes me laugh that this question has been a problem for years. Even after reading the informaiton in the text, there are additional questions that need to be answered and is difficult to find anything else on this topic.