Its new and old at the same time

123 answers

day-it a new day but you've had the day already like if today is 1st its a new day but in life we lived this day last year and the year before....
a riddle.
Y'all so dumb. The answer is land! Think about size and the purchase of a new parcel of land.
My anser is NEWS because we here everyday news which is still an old thing from the past there was still news
the answeris an attire because it might be old to some who has it already but new to the one who is now buying it for the first time
the answer is an attire because it might be old to some who have it already but old to the one who is buying it for the first time
It's a calendar
Because a calendar hosts a year and every day is new but old because a day such as that has been before. Like a year before has same days and weekends recurring in another year.
Guys! This is easy! The answer is NEW MOON! The new moon is old and also 'new' at the same time!
the royal family
my answer is a monument ,like the monument was built like a while ago but every once in a year new people remember it and others visit it for the first time making it new and old at the same time
I think the answer is death anniversary. Because once a person dies is still a memory among the living and cherished through its growing generations
i think the answer is "mtumba".after buying it your friends will refer it as 'new cloth' yet its old
the answer is family
its old from your great parents and still new when new generations are brought forth recurs from generation to generation..for example,boyfriend shoes were worn in 1980's and today they're back on fashion
Y'all suckas are here because of the kiss 100 thing right? lol
a rerycled paper bag..recycled papel bag'
The answer is love because its as old as humankind but new when we fall in it
the answer is google
so tricky bt i think the answer...a Dream Old dreams repeat themseld they keep coming its new and old at the same time!
the answer is language.We learn a new language yet it's an old one since it has been there before us but at the same time new to us because we are hearing it for the first time.
The answer is Salvation. We were already saved when Jesus died on the cross, but we still get born again.
A newborn baby

The baby is new at the time of delivery but existed for 9 months.
The ans is the day."same time" 1:00 morning the day is new 1:00 afternoon the day is already old.same tym deffrent periods bt its new n old same tym.:-)
The sky
I think the answer is earth but I ain't sure
New york is old and also it is new york city
it's NEWS coz once you hear it it was new but it has became old.. Soo if you hear in the next 30 seconds it will be old already... So it's new and old at the same time
Its a second
The Day
I think the answer is the art of tattooing. It was there in the past where it was used to identify different tribes and in the present time it's a new style of fashion and lifestyle.
Kiss 100 got people researching so bad lmfao
I would say the answer is Sun,Its Old And New Because Its Has Been There Since Day One And Its Still New Till Today
The sun because it has always been there yet it comes every morning to symbolize a new day.
i think the ans is sound becoz when someone hears it is new and it is old coz no one could hear the same sound again
Salvation: Why? When someone is saved/born again, their bodies remain the same (old) but their souls become new (new). Size: salvation is relative. Some people are more religious than others.
The answer is Earth/land
Why;because it's big that's in size
Old/New;because it's been there even before our ancestors and newly it's about these generation
the answer is sun ut rises every mrng 2 symbolise a new day
new moon thunk size it has stages where the shape change think why it will always be the same new moon whether the shape changes the size is still the same
has many answers,but ithink the best is love coz it old and new at the same time it size can not be measured,to know whether it small or big.the next is how our eyes tricks our mind.
I Think The Answer Is An Organ.The Organs That Are Currently Keeping You Alive Are Not The Same Time As When You Were Born.The More You Grow Old They Become New To Satisfy Your Current Life
Are y'all trying to solve kiss 100's riddle, lol
life-to a child life is new to ur gradma life is old to her same time...
call this number if u need the answer
There is nothing old and new at the same time.
The answer is love
tha answr iz lve or land
The word New
Everything is either new or old in perspective of how it is
an year
Theres love death lucky
Theres love death lucky,brain...
The answer is the universe its old coz it was there before we came into earth and its new coz we live and wake up in it each day
The Answer Is MOON
Taste; its always new for those trying 1st time but old for those who have already had it.
Gold (never old but its old, n always new when its old.)
Raila Amollo Odinga
I think the answer is the sky....its very old and has been There for a long time but Its still New to people and Its size cannot be mesured.because Its very big
I think the answer is wine,its new when you open for consumption but at the same time is old
Inorder to win the money all you have to say is hair
Hair was there and still is!
The word "new". That's the answer.
answer is death
The answer is SEX...its old to those whose who have tried it eg married couples but its new to virgins
New moon
Hahaha! You people are trying to solve the kiss 100 joke. The answer ain here though.
I think the answer is parcel because of the purchase
I really don know wat else to think but am starting to agree with new moon or love
I think the answer is food
I thin skin, because it is new but made of old cells.


Midnight, marks the end and beginning of a day.
Just call me above
Clothes this because when it is dirty is old but when it is has been wash it's become new
I think the answer is love..its old enough as humankind but its still new to anyone who finds it now.
what we learn is old atuff but its new yo us as we learn it.
john.the answer is an idea or view.its new when you suggest bt old since it has been used somewhere else.
the answer is an idea or view.its new when you suggest bt old since it has been used somewhere else.
the answer is a newspaper