i have to do an assesment about sound. i have to include the big idea of energy. i have no clue what it is! HHEELLPP MMEE!!

What do you mean when you say "the big idea of energy"?

I know that sound is created by vibrations, but I'm not sure that's exactly what you are looking for.

i have no clue of what the big idea of energy is please plese help me becouse i have to do an asessment on the iron and silpher reaction and it askes me to explain what the big idea of energy is.

187 answers

LOL, your teacher must be using the same stupid text book as mine. It's always going on about the big idea of energy and I have no clue what it is either, and I'm just doing the Iron and Sulpher homework too. Did you get the even more stupid homework on the EAr defenders. AGGHHHHHHHHHH!
The total off energy and matter in the universe is constant, but that energy and matter are equivalent and can be interchanged-
And how i translated that from geekspeak was that energy and matter are kinda like twins that change place, and that everything in the universe is constant and on going-if that didn't help much i totally understand-i didn't understand it for the first 3 years.
this makes no sense....i got a whole sheet on this and i don't get any of it someone plz help me out!!!
Energy can't be made or destroyed, just changed from one type to another. When something burns, you aren't making energy, just changing it from chemical (stored in the wood) to heat and light (the flame).

Hope this answers your question, but you are right. Those sheets really suck.
WOW thanks this helps a lot :) i just don't get how you figured this out... lol
Oh, I think I get now....
Yay, now I can finish my project!
i dnt gerrit and i need 2 do it on my hw 2-magnesium & oxegen
i get da big idea of energy but nothin else 2 do wit ma hw! magnesium burning!
it is that it cant be created or destroyed it just transforms from one form to another
Hi i have no idea what t do i have to use the big idea of energy to explain how energy flows through the food chains in the rock pool HELP ME"!!!!!
my science teacher is so annoying she gives us all this stupid homework on the big idea of energy and she never explains it and i'm also tryin to find out for de sulphur iron thing !!!!!!!!
thx ssssssssssssoooooooooo much brainbox it really helped
I still don't get how it has to do with burning magnesium.
Would it be that:

1)A lot of chemical inside it changes to a big bright flash of light

2)Something like that

3)Or something to do with joining with Oxygen to make magnesium oxide

This is for tomorrow help!!!
Help!!!!!!!!!!!see above for more details.
Okay don't get sooooooo mega stressed its only homework! but i can TOTALLY understand yor point! Ive got to do about ear defenders and include the big idea on energy and i surfed like the WHOLE net and cant find a single thing on it!
The big idea of energy is when a plant uses photosynthesis to get energy from the sun. The animal that eats this plant gets some of that energy transferred. Then the animal that eats that animal gets some of that energy...
Have you done food webs yet? The arrows on a food chain or a food web stand for the direction in which energy is being transferred.

Woah! I have impressed myself with how much i know! :P

Hope I can help =]
omg!! lol i got da ear defenders hw now!! ive gt no idea ov wat 2 do!! HELP!!
don' fikin ask me!
the big idea of energy......more like the **** idea of energy.
i don't have a clue and im supposed to do a project about it and no one can help me and my teacher just keeps telling me to read this sheet thing but it doesnt tell me anything!
sammeeeeeeeee!!!! wtf is the big idea of energy???!!!
i got to answer dis question too and i very confused by it
this is ridiculous what are those stupid teachers thinking!? I have a piece of homework on Bioligy + Habitats and none of us in my class know what the stupid thing is either!
The big idea of energy transfer is the idea of a source of energy being changed into another form of energy such as light energy to heat energy. This effect happens in global warming were chemical energy is transfered into heat energy with a greenhouse effect. This effect also happens in a food chain as the producers of the plant get energy from the sun through photosynthesis. The energy is then transferred to the consumer (animal/human) which has eaten the plant. During this flow of energy, only a certain percentage of energy is transferred to the consumer.

Hope this helps with your assignemnt.
Im doing homework on burning magnesium, so mp something simular to everyone else but heres some help:- the big of idea is like the particles reacting like magnesium and oxygen to form magnesium oxide, so the particles of both reactants (magnesium & oxygen) have collided to form magnesium oxide and also when they collide they give off heat, and thas the big idea of energy, i hope this helps (:
energy cant be created or destroyed it just passes from 1 thing 2 the other

i feel like such a nerd
omg.. v also had to do that ear defender thing and i got a level 4.. lol. anyways now v have to do the iron and sulphur reacton and i am stuck on the big idea of energy :( Help pls
my teacher has given me that stupid sheet on the iron and sulphur reaction :@ argghhhhhh
i have a sheet about what happens when a candle is alight and all about the chemical and physical changes and the homework sheet level ladder says that you have to explain both changes using the big idea of energy. NOWHERE NOWHERE CAN I FIND ANYTHING ON THE BIG IDEA OF ENERGY! HELP!
still don't get it lol.
i dun all those hws, iv had enuff of these big idea
my iron and sulphur project is due in tomorrow. luckily iv finished it but i still don't fully understand the big idea of energy
): x
if you know what the big idea of energy is please can you tell me?? i will tell you stuff about magnesium burning =]
i got the annoying iron and sulphur 1 :(
OK ok im a little lucky i have the same magnesium homework too ! it is SO confusing and tbh i just copied you're thign aobut the big enery because im donig the level 6 parts and im going for a level 7 !
uhmm the big of idea is like the particles reacting like magnesium and oxygen to form magnesium oxide, so the particles of both reactants (magnesium & oxygen) have collided to form magnesium oxide and also when they collide they give off heat :D I COPIED IT :) ITS JSUT AN EXAMPLE.
thanx 4 all ur help
my mad teacher gave us homework on a experiment we havnt even done!!!!! HHHHHHHEEEEEELLLLLPPPPP
It's a very tough answer but it is no created
i got sulphur and iron for tomorrow and no idea what it is!!!! help me??? please???
i got journey of a cheese sandwich hwk and to get lvl 7 (i'm in yr 8) i have to explain how cells use food using the big idea of energy. pls help! why is it not on wikipedia?
i need help with my time i do not understand time can you ples help me
i am supposed to be doing a test on iron and sulphur and i have to write about the big idea of energy WHEN OUR TEACHER HASNT EVEN TAUGHT IT TO US.
I am sooo gonna get a low mark.
OK - The big Idea of energy.

Energy can never be destroyed - it simply changes it's state.

So for instance energy can be stored in the form of magnesium and then burnt. The energy then changes it's state into heat, light and sound.

Similarly an animal could consume food and turn this into energy in the form of stored(potential) energy, movement(kinetic) or sound, heat light etc.
lol i have da ear defenders hw to i have no clue wat to do it is so hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
omg i have this homework where i have to explain the reaction using the big idea of energy its a load of !**!*!^
Are you guys stupid? Nobody cares if you don't know. You don't need 50 differant people saying "I don't know this. I don't know that". This is basic science and you people can't understand. I suggest you get serious help. Presto! Vamos! Rapido!
Hey just reading up on this, yeah it's funny, ive having the same trouble as well. The iron and sulphur reaction sheet, quite easy, but just this Big idea just got me stumped, I read blings but I still do not know how to convert it into an answer.
HELP im doin it an we only av i day to do it an i need it in english not teacher language please. ps don't worry if ur stuck on it turns out a LOT of others are to i want a level 7 to an im in year 8 please sum one help all of the struggling kids!!
This whole level 6 Big idea of Energy thing is a load of crap. My teacher is making me do lvl 6 and I have no idea what da big Idea of Energy is (or I didn't till i read EELLLLIIIEE's comment, thanks by the way)
it means do your own brief sentence about the reaction
I'm also doing the Iron/Sulpher thing.
I've gotta make a poster and I need to explain the reaction using the Big Idea of Energy but I don't know what it is can any one help???
I don't no what the big idea of energy is but i have a idea its got something to do with energy. lol. I have to find out about how THE BIG IDEA OF ENERGY effects how human cells get food?????
P.S i am also in yr 8 doing journey of a cheese sandwich... lol and im trin to get a lv 7!!!!!!!!
where chu copy it from???????
I Knoooo, I've Been Trying To Fiind Out Thiis Bi Energy Stuff For Agessss, I've Been Surfing The Net For A Whilee Know, && This Is The Onlyy Good Sytee If Found !! I'm Doiing The Earr Defendaas Sheet, && It's Soooooooooo Borring Zzzz x
I Done The Rest, But To Get A Leve 6 & 7 Yuu Have To Write Bout This Energyy Transferr Thingyy.. Thouugh Thanks For All Your Help !! ..x
I Knooooo, I Can't Find Anythiing At All !
Myy Homework Has Gotaa Bee Intaamoroo && I Have Too 'Use Detailed Particle Diagrams Ad The Big Idea Of Energy Transfer To Explain How The Ear Defenders Work'..Zzzz..
Cann Anyyone Help Me ??
Itss Due In Tommoroww !! x
Thankiies (: x
Hey Eelllliiiee x
Were Chu Copyy It From ? x
Ive Surfed The Whoooooole Tinterrnet Lukin For It ! x
&& Thankiies Bling (: x
I Hve Same H/w Lol

But I Didn't Get The Ear Defender Thing?!
If it's any comfort to anyone I have a PhD in physics and I have never heard of the Big Idea of Energy either!
I got the Manesium & oxygen homework and it's got to be in tomorrow . Thamks to you guys I know have done the Big idea thingy Thanks alot I an now back on track and i'm going to get a lvl 7 :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
dont get it :S
I don't have a clue what to do with my homewrk i have to write about wot happens wen magnesium burns and it ses i have 2 use the big idea of energy to explain it....PLEASE HELP IT HAS TO BE IN TOMOZ!!!!
Rolo what skool r u from coz i have to do the exact same thing and it has tio be in tomoz???
the big idea of energy is when a form of energy (heat,light, chemical, ect.)
ive got the iron and sulphur sheet and this is what i put:
‘The big idea of energy’ is that energy can’t be created or destroyed and it just changes from one form to another. This happens in this reaction because when we heat the mixture we aren’t creating energy we are simply changing heat energy to chemical energy to hold the iron and sulphur particles together. Thus making the compound known as FeS (iron sulphide/ iron pyrites (fool’s gold)).
sorry if its a bit long =p
OMG LOL i cant believe ur doin the ear defenders homework too!!!!
i am completly stuck too but i do no that the best material for the outside is a nard shiny plastic!!
hope that helps lol!!!
LOL omf this hw is so hard i hav no clue!! im doin a task were u hav 2 include da big idea of energy in digestion HAHA
This whole load of bludy crap!
I'm suposed to go to a grammar school but they don't teach us anything. Now they're telling us to find out what the big idea of energy is!
Adults these days!
AHHHH! CURSE THEM ALL! (Jokes-i luv u really mummy!)
sorry im going on
im just really angry!!!
OMG guys, i thought it was just our stupid school that did the esr defenders thing!!
what on earth is THAT all about?!?!
you lot are crap its where the sulrphur is mixing with the iron and creating sulphur oxide
The Big Idea of Energy is probably what is refered to as the Conservation of Energy which is a rule that states that energy can never be created or destroyed it merely changes forms.
why youu evenn doiinn yoor homeworkk....
i think you well don!
omg i been searchin internet 4eva nd stil couldn't find it. Y don't all u guys do u h/w - not the night b4 - that might help!!!

yh i get 7+ in everythin nyway
but yh thx 4 dis ppl!
I don't understand anything about my homework. im doing the designing the ear defenders on. :S
im doing the same homework ive been researching it all day. ive found that the big idea of energy is finding new ways to make energy or summin like that my homework has to be in on frieday and i have to get a level 7 ha anyone got any ideas about the following...
the reaction between magnesium and oxygen using the big energy idea!
please help by thursday 4th dec.
lol this is so funny.
i just looked the "big idea of energy" up on google and this convo came up
im doing digestion and "the journey of a cheese sandwich"
i have to use the BIG IDEA to say how cells use food
this is helpful though....
we did the journey of a cheese sandwich ...
im doin bowt chemical reactions n i ha no idea either lol lets go kill da teachers. (hope it helps lol)
i hav 2 do it on digestion as wel!!!
no clu! wat so eva!
its lik ' the journey of a cheese sandwich'
any1 dun it!??!
frigiin stupiid cheesze sandwiich ):
they dOnt even teach usz tha stupiid thing =(
OMG ellieeee is right i think i was stuck and all you say is sulphur and the iron fillings collided to make iron sulhphide which is an irreversible prosses, i got 7b yay!
we are doing food webs and my teacher said it is energy passed through one body to another by eating the first thing. i do not get it.i think it is like a rabbit gets energy from grass then the cat gets energy from the rabbit and grass then the fox gets energy from the cat, rabbit and grass. I AM CONFUSED!!!!! :0( :0P TO MY SCIENCE TEACHER!!!!!!!!
answer ur own quewtion rebelllll
I had to do that thing for ear defenders and now for burning magnesium
****U Teacher u aint even explained wt it is!!!!!!
Emily the sun gives the grass energy so then the rabbit eats the grass. Then the energy from the grass has no where to go but the rabbit. Like bananas give us emergy!
Its simple USE YOUR HEAD
We are doing something about magnesium burnin and we need to use the big idea of energy 2. its so hard and its an assessment and i havent a clue what to do! LOL :)
help me with the big energy thing with mg
i don't know either!
what is it
The big idea of energy transfer is the idea of a source of energy being changed into another form of energy such as light energy to heat energy.
Hello I don't know if you could help but i was wandering if you could help me with my L.A.T its due Tuesday 3rd of febuary 2009 ! The question is...
Explain the reaction of Fe+S (Iron+Suplur) using the big idea of energy?
Many Thanks x
what is it? I'm baffled. I am doing it have to include in my essay on the digestive system!!
mkxrdqn btivuhlf soujwdea pvzqc ftcmpuhg irud ypxkdvuq
i have no idea please help me dat is so cofusing AHHH1
yhvdj rebo cpfizoj gdti fbhwte njuqkv xdjzy
ok...it is where the particles collide to form a compound.
Energy is stored in the form of magnesium then burnt. The energy changes state to light,heat and sound.
Energy can't be created or changed,it changes form.
When something burns, you aren't making energy, just changeing it from a chemical (stored in wood) to heat and light (the flame.)
i hope it helps!!!
no-one is helping..........
Energy can't be destroyed it just changes state
So the heat energy used on the iron and sulphur is then changed into chemical bonds, heat energy, light energy etc.
The energy is still there but being used as chemical bonds to keeep the compound as a compound.
The Big Idea of Energy Transfer is that as a say energy is added to something the opposite must be done to it's surroungings.

Hope this helps.
I didn't knw wot is was until i read Ellie n 7B response n i av put it on my Iron and Sulphur reaction poster n I hope I do well. I did the cheese sandwich sheet a while ago n i got quite a good score i think I fink u just needeed 2 knw wot u were doin!!
this is so hard i'm doin the iron and sulphur reaction and its do in tomorro and we got dis stupid teacher (tba)
hey i copied that ellieeeee girl and i've had tba befor feel sorry 4 u coco
I seriously dnt get it ...iron and sulphur hwk!!! Helpp!!!
i av got 2 do da iron n sulphur homework 2! did u guys end up getting it?
omg wat is th ebig idea thing
grat help
im in yr 7 and ive got the iron and sulphur hm/wk 2 i can do all the Q's exept from the last 2 HELP!!!!
plz some one
I have no idea what it is either!!
i hv no idea how to d any of the questions plz helppppppppppppppp
i don't know either and i have to include it in a level assessed task help me!!! i have to explain the iron and sulphur reaction using the Big Idea Of Energy.. Help me !!!
about the first question the sound vibations pass on the vibations to the gasses in the air then they get to ur ear and it hits your ear drum and then u hear it also HOW BLOODY HARD CAN IT BE TO DISIGHN EAR DEFANERS!!!!!!!!
u must be in the 8th grade like me and i assume ur learning physics [physical science] well energy is abundant in the universe. particle always have energy and never stop moving. liquid the particles are tender and so the energy they have is very low but they have the ability to slide off each other. gas are very far from each other and move heinously to keep constant. solid, solids have the most energy. they use force and energy for movement. the solid particles use their energy in 2 ways, keeping together their an example of cohesion (two particles or substances that stick together.)

Now we're going on to laws since ur talking about energy i will only do charles' law. now charles' law explains the relationship between temperature and volume. when the air is hot the particles speed up, know why? well on a hot summer day how would you react to the hot ground towards your feet, you would move around fast and crazy right? well the same thing happens with molecules. the molecules' source of energy is heat, with heat the molecules move very fast and if inside an object they can inflate the object. okay moving onto cold air in the winter don't you hate to run? well yes and how do you get to run? by creating enough heat. the cold air slows the particles' speeds which decrease the gas' mass, need any more?
Yhhhhh Buh wE wNnnA Noe Dah AnSa NoH If u dUn It Or NoT Nd Yh Ur RyT iT AiN hElPfUl:@
i am very confused... doing the iron and sulhur reaction too... i need help!!! some1 answer good please!!! xxx
omg i have to do the iron and sulphur reaction as well and i don't think i know what the big idea of energy is...
but here's what i found :S
basically the big idea of energy is the rule that energy cannot be created or destroyed, it just changes form.
i don't get it so i dunno if that helps :L xx
You guys I have an assesment on the "The Big Idea of Energy" and I have no clue about it, no one told be anything! It's soooo stupid so you have got to tell me what it NOW!!!
im doin da bloody ear fingy 2 WAT IS DA BIG IDEA OF ENERGYYYYYYYYY??????
i need 2 no by 2moz heeeeelp!!!!
it is what goes through a food chain
same same same- i have to do that iron and sulphur using that big idea of energy- and what is that ?? NO IDEA
OMG, me 2. What is it, and how does it relate to iron and sulphur? HELP... DUE TOMORROW!
The big idea of energy is about the chemical reaction that takes place.
According to the law of conservation of mass, “During an ordinary chemical change, there is no detectable increase or decrease in the quantity of matter.” Also, The Law of Conservation of Energy states that “energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can change its form.” Therefore, there are the same number of particles in the beginning and at the end of the reaction because no particles can be lost in the chemical reaction, they just turn into a different form.

Hope this helps
Imahh doinn thee Journey of a Cheese Sandwich homework and I havv no idea what it means by The Big Idea of Particles or The Big Idea of Energy. I've looked on the web but I keep getting confused. HELP! :S
Copy and paste for the win:

The "big idea" of energy, is a phrase designed to point out that everything in the universe is energy in one form to another and that the sum of energy is maintained.
Energy can only be transferred or transformed from one form or another such as matter (substance) or light (radiation).
Matter is composed entirely of energy bound up in a specific form. Radiation is energy liberated to travel freely through space until it encounters and reacts or interacts with other energy and under the right conditions alters the properties of, adds to or becomes new matter.
The big idea of energy is........ i dunno????
i have to do it as well sorry but i don't know what it means
The Big Idea of Energy is probably what is refered to as the Conservation of Energy which is a rule that states that energy can never be created or destroyed it merely changes forms.
The Big Idea Of Energy is to do with energy being transfered from one form to another. For example...in a lightbulb the electrical energy is turned into light and heat. The electrical energy comes from your house or wherever and then turns into light to light up your lightbulb and heat because the lightbulb becomes hot.
i have global warming homework and it says explain the greenhouse effect using the big idea of energy
i hav 2 do ear defenders as well!!! you'd think da teachers would hav changed stuff by now - anyway, i think it's when one type of energy is converted into another
Im doin da sulphur and iron homework n i dunno wht to do about da The big idea of energy :S HELP ME! :0
i did that ear defender home work to and now i am doing the journey of a cheese sandwich and have to include the big idea of energy in that!? :S
I don't even no what the Big Idea Of Energy Is? x
My homework is to create my own ear defender. but i find it really hard, because i cannot find any websites to revise from, do any of you know any websites about ear defenders?

Hi all,

Just seen your comments, the big idea of energy is simply an idea that states that energy can not be created or destroyed, it just changes form.

For the ear defenders homework the energy changes from kinetic (vibrations) to sound.

The sulphur homework, the big idea is that you need heat to get the reaction going, the heat is transferred to light energy when the compound glows.

Hope it helps.

Im doing an assessment right now about explaining what happens when Magnesium burns- i've gotta get a Level7....:(

In one of the coloums it says " Explain the reaction by using The Big Idea Of Energy"

What does that MEAN? I need serious help NOW!

I don't know if I am right so don't trust me but I think it is when something changes to into something else. E.g When burned magnesium turns into a white powder.
I'm using this stupid textbook and we're studying 8F.
ARGH. Nope, I haven't gotten the 'Ear Defenders' hw yet but I guess I'll soon will. I am so dead...what is the
'BIG IDEAD OF ENERGY' anyway? :/

So need help!!!
the big idea of energy is a term of saying explain the experiment or how the iron and sulfur make iron sulfide.the teachers are telling you to explain the experiment!!!!!!
im doing the iron and sulphur experiment and i have no idea what the big idea of energy is either
Basically, the Big Idea of Energy is that energy never stops, it can transform and all but it can't stop. I think?
yea, the textbook is always banging on about The Big idea Of Energy.. but it never says what it actually is LOL.
im so sorry i couldn't help, i don't think anyone has so far LOL
i don't get when an animal dies were does the energy go
it is simple when you understand
im doin the big idea of energy but about like how we move and stuff help help help!!!!!!!
help me! I have to give in a poster tomorrow all about it ???
arghhhhh i need to do the jouney of a cheese sandwich wat the hell is the big idea of energy/particles someone needs to answer it not just moan about it.
i'm scared i might get the ear defenders and sulpher and iron h/w
o.k ppl i get it look just copy and paste (sulfur&iron)

The big idea of energy is that energy is never 'made' it simply changes from one form to another.
During the sulphur and Iron experiment the energy transformed from heat energy from the bunsen burner to light energy (the glowing mixture). This proves my theory on the big idea of energy
this stupid APP test gets on my blimming nerves.
I get sent out of science all the time and i have no idea what my teachers taliking about.
now she expects me to do this test or i get another detention.
and if i get another detention i get suspended and grounded for a month.
well . . . i have do it about rockpoools and how energy flows through the food chains xxx PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!
I have been set this homework :)
omg i cant believe i have the iron and sulphur hw 2 and i am sooo stuck on the big idea of energy i dunno what 2 say arrrrgh
we all have the same hw and none of us know how to do it..aaaagggh
i really need helppppp
The big idea of energy is that it can not be created or destroyed only changed from one form to another
hey everyone :),
i just finished this assignment (iron filings and sulphur crap) and was looking at this site for help! i didn't really find any, but im guessing all of u people found an answer, more or less! ;]

well this is wat i decided 2 put and i give u my full permission to use it for ur APP task or watevs:

"the iron filings and sulphur start off as a mixture and reaches a different stage when melted together by the heat energy from the bunsen burner. then the light energy from the flame create it into a glowing mixture. this is my theory on the big idea of energy!"

feel free to change any wordING U DIDN'T LIKE, BUT HOPE IT GIVES U HELP :P and thx to melanie b. demetri!!! PLZ LEAVE A COMMENT I WANNA C IF I HELPED ANY1!!!! HV A GOOD DAY!! :]
Hey the big idea of energy simply is that energy when used doesn't get destroyed and just dissapear but it changes state into other stuff e.g: animals eat it gets turned into energy to help their body work, when things are burned it produces heat sound and light energy if you get the jist its easy as pie! :)
thankyou 'READ MMMEEE!!! I HAVE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!:). that helped alot. isn't it strange how all our teachers give us the same homework?
This is usless!
can someone please help me do the ear defenderss fingyy coz ihsz due in tomoz and my teacher is buddy insane!
she'lle gimee 4 hours detention to do it with her at parents evening!
i need to use the big idea of energy to explain how ear defenders work???
I did the Iron and Sulphur Reaction and got an 8b - it was easy, I'm doing the Ear Defenders homework now and the Big Idea of Energy Transfer is when you use a harder outer coating the sound waves bounce off it and if any do penetrate it, you have the soft foam within it to absorb the rest.
How do i do this

Drawn simple particle diagrams to show how the ear defenders will work.
„h Drawn diagrams to show where sound will be reflected and where it will be absorbed.
This page has almost driven me to suicide. RAR
energy is neither lost or gained in a chemical reaction. you can never create or destroy energy
i'm doing the journey of a cheese sandwich and have to explain how cells use food using the big idea of energy due 2morrow pls help im begging :...........(
The idea is that the molecules have a lot of heat energy and so they are banging into eachother and if they bang with enough energy they join together.... hope this helped!!! :)
i have a hw and i don't get it how do the particles behave during the reaction of iron and sulphur x please answer
How do u do the explain how cells use food using the big idea of energy on the journey of a cheese sandwich???? id rather just do a test!!
They shake more as they get hotter and then eventually kinda bump into each other and become iron & sulphur or sumthing like that i did that at the start of this school yr its soooooooo boring!!!
oh alex i know school is so boring please date me
i know this is soooooo anoyin..... how come teachers don't teach u nowt.... an just expect u to no everythin. its soo anoyin. doin this ear defenders thing an just relised ear defenders aint like headphones. feel stupid
the big idea of energy is v. simple. all it means is there is a certain ammount of energy in the universe. you can`t create or destroy energy. it can only change forms, so kinetic/movement energy can be transformed into heat energy. there. nutshell.
thank u i had no idea what it meant by the big idea of energy. i am from england. thank you who explained it so well fab.
trololloolo i've done most of the level assessment if you look closely in your books you'll probably be able to do it i did it in 1 day along with maths and english homework with a friend ahhaha gd luckkk :) xx <3
i don't know what the big idea of energy is ? we have this homework about iron and sulphur reaction and we have to do a poster and include the big idea of energy?????
I need to know this 'big idea of energy' thing to. Please answer the question just don't say you don't know!!! Btw it's to do withburning magnesium!!!
The Big Idea Of Energy Is The Limited Amount Of Energy We Have In The World Today, For Example There Is Energy Say Kinetic Energy And You Can Change That Into Hear Energy, Potential Energy Whatever. For The Iron And Sulphur Reaction That I Am Doing I Clearly Stated That The Iron And Sulphur Burn At A Fixed Time Because They Are Using The Same Amount Of Heat Energy Produced.
lol i have already done jorney of a cheese sadwich and ear defenders now im doing the reaction between iron and sulphur
Ear defenders work by absorbing the sound that was headed to your ear. They absorb the sound waves by increasing air resistance this reduces the loudness of the waves. The energy is converted into heat and the person wearing them can hear sounds at quieter amplitude than the actual sound.
To be honest I'm stuck on this stupid homework to LOL! Its soooo confusing cuz I really don't get like someone plz help!!! =) =p
Irk I got the same hw and I don't get it but thanks sfgghhjkkkkkkj for helping me out
i need help
i am doin 8E what is the big idea of energy!!!