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For our homework we have to find three people and ask them how they would sum up the Second Bank War in a couple of sentences. Then in class tommorrow we have to compare their answers with everybody else in the class. I have asked my mom, and my grandma so far and I would like to know if you could be my third person because I really don't have anyone else to ask. My dad use to be my biggest help but he passed away about 4 months ago. Thank you for your time and help.
6 answers
We need to have three adults summarize what the Second Bank war was in a few sentences. I have two so far from relatives but I need one more. Were not suppose to look up are answers.
Can you please be my last adult to summarize the Bank War in a couple of sentences please. I don't have anyone else to ask. I already asked everyone that lived with me.
The Second Bank War was a conflict between President Jackson and the Second Bank. He destroyed the bank.
why did he destroy the bank?
Please read the article that Guru posted for you.