in the book oedipus rex

  1. this is about the book "Oedipus the King". how can i make two questions about Oedipus from this definition of anger?"The man who
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    2. Rebecca asked by Rebecca
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  2. This article is Legend of Oedipus by Commonlit StaffOne question asked me what the theme of The Legend of Oedipus I said free
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    2. HAHAHA asked by HAHAHA
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  3. Has anyone read this play?? I'm having a little trouble comparing and contrasting Oedipus and Kreon. I need to back up my thesis
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    2. Andrew asked by Andrew
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  4. in the book oedipus rex the outgoing philosophical debate of weather human life is governed by fate or individual freewill is
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    2. jasmine asked by jasmine
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  5. Compare and contrast Oedipus, from Sophocles’ Oedipus the King, and Creon from Sophocles’ Antigone as rulers.Some ways they
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    2. Brann asked by Brann
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  6. I need help comparing Oedipus Rex and A Raisin in the Sun. This is my outline so far. Please help. I am stuck and could use any
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    2. Mary asked by Mary
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  7. In his plays, Sophocles depicts men and women as they ought to be rather than what they truly are. How is this true in the case
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    2. amy asked by amy
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  8. I have to find evidence to support which character I think it the most guilty for what happens to Oedipus. I was just wondering
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    2. Karen asked by Karen
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  9. In what sense is Oedipus, through a king, also an "everyman" figure? How might the play of 'Oedipus Rex' be said to explore
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    2. brandon asked by brandon
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  10. Hi there, I am writing a english essay on 'Sophocles Oedipus the King' and I am trying to prove that Oedipus is not responsible
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    2. Sarah asked by Sarah
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