A number rounded up to

  1. A Number rounded to the nearest tenth is 6.1. The same number rounded to the nearest hundredth is 6.08 and rounded to the
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    2. Liliana asked by Liliana
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  2. A decimal number changed to 23.7 after it was rounded. Give a decimal number that is less than 23.7 and another that is greater
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    2. Anonymous asked by Anonymous
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  3. Find the least and greatest possible original numbers:ROUNDED PLACE is Ten Thousands, ROUNDED NUMBER is 190,000. What is the
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    2. Jessie asked by Jessie
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  4. Find the least and greatest possible original numbers:ROUNDED PLACE is Thousands, ROUNDED NUMBER is 1,800. What is the Least
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    2. Jessie asked by Jessie
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  5. Find the least and greatest possible original numbers:ROUNDED PLACE is Tens, ROUNDED NUMBER is 460. What is the Least number and
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    2. Christine asked by Christine
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  6. A number, containing no zeros, changed to 310,000 after it was rounded. To what place was the number rounded? Explain how you
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    2. Von asked by Von
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  7. Plot points on the number line to represent all whole number values that round to 200 when rounded to the nearest hundred and to
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    2. Cindy asked by Cindy
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  8. If the number 659,983 is rounded to the nearest hundred, how many zeros does the rounded number have?
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    2. Rather read asked by Rather read
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  9. A number containing no zeros changed to 901400 after it was rounded. To what place was it rounded and why?
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    2. Stone asked by Stone
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  10. Writing to explain: The digit 5 is usually rounded up, but it can also be rounded down. How would you round the numbers in the
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    2. Jess asked by Jess
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