A car leaves skid marks

  1. The length of skid marks a car makes when braking varies directly with the square of the speed of the car. If a car traveling 25
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    2. Amy asked by Amy
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  2. The police can determine the speed a car was traveling from the length of the skid marks it leaves. The function they use is S =
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    2. Dawn asked by Dawn
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  3. When a car makes an emergency stop on dry road, it leaves skid marks. The speed S, in miles per hour, of the car when brakes
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    2. Marcquillia asked by Marcquillia
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  4. hi.A vehicle weighing 1.3 tonne leaves skid marks 23 meters long.After 15 meters it hit pedestrain.The co efficient of friction
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    2. glenn asked by glenn
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  5. hi.A vehicle weighing 1.3 tonne leaves skid marks 23 meters long.After 15 meters it hit pedestrain.The co efficient of friction
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    2. glenn asked by glenn
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  6. At an accident scene, 276-m long skid marks are found on the road. If the car that made these skid marks can decelerate at
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    2. Ray asked by Ray
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  7. A car leaves skid marks 72m in length. The deceleration is 7.2m/s^2. What is the speed of the car before braking?
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    2. David asked by David
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  8. Help w/Word Prob: LAW ENFORCEMENT A police accident investigator can use the formula s=2√5l to estimate the speed=s of a car
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    2. Rock asked by Rock
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  9. A 1500 kg car skids to a halt on a wet road where μk = 0.55.How fast was the car traveling if it leaves 64-m-long skid marks?
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    2. Tucker asked by Tucker
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  10. a car leaves skid marks 84 m long on the highway. Assuming a deceleration of 7.50 m/s2, estimate the speed of the car just
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    2. Shay asked by Shay
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