If you had 50 lbs oranges and 50 lbs apples, what percent apples do you have?
It's (50/100)*100 = 50%.
Same thing with atoms.
What is the total mass of C7H8. What is the mass of total H. Then percent H = (mass H/total mass)*100 = ??
what is the percent hydrgoen in toluene(C7H8)??
4 answers
There is more than one answer. The answer from Dr Bob is correct but you could also have the answer in terms of atoms. So the percentage of hydrogen atoms in toluene is
(8/15) *100
The problem is that the question does not state what percentage it is looking for. It would be equally possible to calculate the percentage volume occupied by the hydrogen atoms.
(8/15) *100
The problem is that the question does not state what percentage it is looking for. It would be equally possible to calculate the percentage volume occupied by the hydrogen atoms.
I think the question is intended for %H by mass:
Using atomic masses and subscripts in C7H8,
%H = (100)(8)(1.00794)/[(7)(12.011)(8)+(8)(1.00794)]
%H = 8.75% by mass
Using atomic masses and subscripts in C7H8,
%H = (100)(8)(1.00794)/[(7)(12.011)(8)+(8)(1.00794)]
%H = 8.75% by mass
If you heated a hydrate too quickly and some of it splattered out of the beaker how would it affect the calclated percent by mass of water and the molecular formula