What happens when a candle is alight is the subject. Explained both changes using the Big Idea of Energy? Can anyone help please or explain?
I don't understand the question. Can you repost and clarify please?
What happens when a candle is alight (on one side we had to show physical change and on other side the chemical change). The question sheet says 'Explained both changes using the Big Idea of Energy.'
Yes i have just received that piece of work to i too am finding it hard but u need to use equations too, symbol and word sums.
the chemical reaction is the wax because it is a new substance being made
I don't understand anything and no was is not a chemical change because a chemical change means you can't reverse it back into a candle but you actually can unless it burns if you see what i mean!
is it the candle wax
55 answers
the chemical reaction is the wick burning and being used as a fuel to keep the flame alight and the physical reaction is the candle wax melting as it can be reversed and the liquid wax can be cooled into wax again
brap is right
what is the qustion
someone help me i am doing the same work
got to show chemical reactions in diagram as well as words
its so hard
got to show chemical reactions in diagram as well as words
its so hard
Basicalli yer , what is the word equation?
what happens when a candle is alight.
I have the same homework! Im just writing a load of crap. :)
same here i havent got a clue wat to put!
this is just silly i have no idea but i do know that brap is right!the particle diagram is easy though.
what is the formulae
i am doing the same plz take pity on us all
I am doing the EXACT same homework x i need at least 3 or 4 physical &+ Chemical changes :s I don't get it !!!! x PLEASE HELP !
can someone please help me with my homework i have to explain the difference between a physical and chemical change about what happens when a candle is alight.
Please Help!!x
could you get back asap x
ThankYou x
Please Help!!x
could you get back asap x
ThankYou x
im doing the same to and i don't get it at all!!!!!!!!! :( :( :(
iis thatt kaylaa thtt goess 2 glenmoorr iin 7E2 cuzz iif iit iss hiii loll x x
hi chloe and robin!!!!!!!
what the hell do i do 1!!!!!!!!!!!!
what the hell do i do 1!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am doing the same homework too i have to do 2 of these types of homework a module!
Im a bit stuck on the particle diagrams as well :(. Is that lisa and amy from wicko??
no. i don't now how to draw the particle diagrams to show the chemical and physical change
okay i have the same hw too! i have managed to do most of it but i am stuck on the big idea of energy! i really need help. whyu do teachers give hw that people can't do!!! lmao xx
sicance is rubbish i don't want oo do it!!
i need help with my homework i go the same thing as u lot have.
plz help me
plz help me
I was stuck on this 2 i just read what other ppl pt nd en i put 2geather my own i fink its right! thx 2 ery1 who hlped me xxxx
here are the answers physicql change is the heat from the flame burns the wax then it melts into a liquid chemical change is some wax melts down the candle but some will dissapear while the wax burns some particles reacyt with oxygen in the air to produce water vapor carbon dioxide heat gas and light the wax particles that seem tyo jave dissapear have changed into new substances
youre welcome
youre welcome
argh argh save me plzz
well i think when a candle is alight, it gives off light and energy, which is two things a chemical change does! :-)
when the candle is alight it gives off carbon dioxide
wax burning of a candle is actually a physical reaction/change not a chemical reaction/change
We're all doing the same hw! lmao.
Okay guys, I'm gunna help :)
The chemical change is the wax, as it heats the flame vaporises and this vapour travels up the wick.
The phsical change is the wick, when flame is applied to wick this wax is melted and vaporised...
-A physical change from solid to liquid to gas.
Can someone help me now? :)
I need to find a word equation for the chemical reaction,
:) xxx
Okay guys, I'm gunna help :)
The chemical change is the wax, as it heats the flame vaporises and this vapour travels up the wick.
The phsical change is the wick, when flame is applied to wick this wax is melted and vaporised...
-A physical change from solid to liquid to gas.
Can someone help me now? :)
I need to find a word equation for the chemical reaction,
:) xxx
ask your science teacher for help because they wont say no
i dunno i av the same work somebodty plz tell me how to explain both changes using the big idea of energy for when a candle is alight plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help its due in 2moz!!!!!!!!
a physical change-the wax starts to melt
A chemical change - light and heat energy is produced
the difference between chemical and physical changes are that you can measure and seephysical changes wheres you cant or a chemical change.
for the reachts its
hydrogen+oxygen equals water
carbon+oxygen equals carbondioxide
the wax contains both hydrogen carbon ( called hydrocarbons)and the products coz and h2o
thats all i can do
A chemical change - light and heat energy is produced
the difference between chemical and physical changes are that you can measure and seephysical changes wheres you cant or a chemical change.
for the reachts its
hydrogen+oxygen equals water
carbon+oxygen equals carbondioxide
the wax contains both hydrogen carbon ( called hydrocarbons)and the products coz and h2o
thats all i can do
well i dun this hw :( and i don't understand what ur asking , ask againn :P x
Physical change is simply the change from one state to another without change of composition such as the wax melting from a solid to liquid form and resolidifying.Chemical change is a change at the elemental level. In this case, you have both the wax and the wick burning. The wax is hydrocarbon based so it combines with oxygen in the air to produce carbon dioxide and steam: CxHy + nO2 .....> CO2 + H2O. There will also be some carbon monoxide depending on the supply of air and probably some sulphur dioxide, ammonia and nitrous oxides from impurities in the wax
the physical change is the heat from the flame burns the wax which melts into a liquid running down the side of the candle i hope this was of help to u guys :)
im stuck im 11 i have a twin she is more cleaver she told me that Their is a phisical change the phisical change is the wax starts to melt.The chemical change is the light and heat energy is produced .thier is a diffeence beetween a phisical and a chemical the difference is you can measure and see a phisical change but u can't do that with an chemical change xxx hope u get top marks Tia xxxx
I'm doing the same thing and some word equations are:
Carbon+Oxygen= CarbondiOxide
Hydrogen+Oxygen=HydrogenOxide Hydrogen oxide is the same as water! And a candle is made up of Hydrogen and Carbon!
Carbon+Oxygen= CarbondiOxide
Hydrogen+Oxygen=HydrogenOxide Hydrogen oxide is the same as water! And a candle is made up of Hydrogen and Carbon!
burning a candle.
chemical change.
reaction with oxygen an carbon dioxide+ water provided
candle+oxygen= carbon dioxide +water
phisical change
the wax melts
chemical change.
reaction with oxygen an carbon dioxide+ water provided
candle+oxygen= carbon dioxide +water
phisical change
the wax melts
a chemical change is when there is light and energy produced & some of the formulars are H+O=H2O(hyydrogen+oxygen=water) and C+O=CO2(carbon+oxygen=carbondioxide)
big idea oof energy is shoowing the changes of how energy is transferred
i am doing the exact same thing aswell in science!!! and its due tomorrow and don't know how to do it :/
help me i have the exact same hl and i don't even no what its about. Please take pity on me im only 12 and its due on mon. wat the hell the particle diagram.
chemical changes: hydrogen + oxygen = water or H20 and carbon+ oxygen = carbon dioxide or C02.
Equation for the above are:
Hydrocarbon + oxygen = carbon dioxide + water + energy.
CH4+202 = C02+2H20
Physical changes are:
wax (solid) melts into liquid.
some of the waxy liquid cools down and turns back into a wax solid but some of the wax turns into gas.
Equation for the above are:
Hydrocarbon + oxygen = carbon dioxide + water + energy.
CH4+202 = C02+2H20
Physical changes are:
wax (solid) melts into liquid.
some of the waxy liquid cools down and turns back into a wax solid but some of the wax turns into gas.
candle (hydrogen plus carbon) + oxygen -heat-> co2 + h2o
solid (wax) -heat-> liquid wax
to draw the candle and on the first one draw dots in rows and columns with two colours one for carbon and one for hydrogen then on the outside draw two dots conneccted by a bar for oxygen
then on ur other candle draw a smaller one that looks like its be burning for a while and do the same thing but make the dots more random!
hope this help
what grade are u guys in cause im in year 8 and i
understand this?
solid (wax) -heat-> liquid wax
to draw the candle and on the first one draw dots in rows and columns with two colours one for carbon and one for hydrogen then on the outside draw two dots conneccted by a bar for oxygen
then on ur other candle draw a smaller one that looks like its be burning for a while and do the same thing but make the dots more random!
hope this help
what grade are u guys in cause im in year 8 and i
understand this?
I'm not doing this now but as I did this three years ago, i thought i might help :)~
so what you have to do is:
Reactants: Carbon, Oxygen and Hydrogen
Products: Carbon Dioxide and Water
Carbon (C) + Oxygen (O2)----> Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
Burnt with oxygen an oxide is produced
Hydrogen (H) + Oxygen (O2) ----> Water (H2O)
The difference between these word equationsis that the first is burning and the second is melting as when hydrogen is burnt it burns with a squeky pop (obviously not heard when the candle is alight!) :)
so what you have to do is:
Reactants: Carbon, Oxygen and Hydrogen
Products: Carbon Dioxide and Water
Carbon (C) + Oxygen (O2)----> Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
Burnt with oxygen an oxide is produced
Hydrogen (H) + Oxygen (O2) ----> Water (H2O)
The difference between these word equationsis that the first is burning and the second is melting as when hydrogen is burnt it burns with a squeky pop (obviously not heard when the candle is alight!) :)
i don't know why u lot are all moaning there are plenty of answers there
carbon(c)+ oxygen(O2)+carbon dioxide= Hydrogen(h)+ oxygen(o2) +water(h2o)
Hope this helps u guys!!!
carbon(c)+ oxygen(O2)+carbon dioxide= Hydrogen(h)+ oxygen(o2) +water(h2o)
Hope this helps u guys!!!
does anyone know how to draw a flippin' particle diagram?
How do you draw a simple particle diagram?
physical change: the wax starts to melt
chemical change: light and heat energy is produced because the wax is being burnt. does anyone knoe how to draw a simple particle diagram
chemical change: light and heat energy is produced because the wax is being burnt. does anyone knoe how to draw a simple particle diagram
loooooooooool yh
Top tip- draw a candle on your poster and then divide it in half, one side physical the other chemical, then draw on the candle e.g. on the physical draw wax melting.