We grow rice in a rice field or in a passy field, but we grow potatoes in a dry field.
Is my explanation correct? I want to know the name for growing both rice and potatoes? Do they have the same name or the different name?
4 answers
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum again. I'm not clear on the word you are looking for. The rice or potatoes would be the "crop" you are growing. It is "agriculture."
Rice is grown in a "paddy". That is a field that can be flooded.
Potatoes are grown in a field or a patch.
We say rice paddy and potato field or potato patch.
Potatoes are grown in a field or a patch.
We say rice paddy and potato field or potato patch.
Thank you, passy should be changed into paddy.....
Yes, John. Rice paddy is the proper name for where rice is grown.