The following data are for a liquid chromatographic column:
Length of packing (L) 24.7 cm
Flow rate 0.313 mL/min
VM 1.37 mL
VS 0.164 mL
A chromatogram of a mixture of species A, B, C and D provided the following data
Retention time | Width of Base
Nonretained 3.1 -
A 5.4 0.41
B 13.3 1.07
C 14.1 1.16
D 21.6 1.72
Calculate the Retention Factor for A,B,C and D.
I've done that...
A= 0.74
B= 3.29
C= 5.96
D= 4.44
Calculate the Distribution constant for A,B,C and D? (having trouble here)
And Calculate the following..
(a) the number of plates from each peak and the mean.
Number of plates = 16*tr^2/w^2
a = 2775.49
b = 2472.04
c = 2363.97
d = 2523.30
mean = 2533.7
(b) the plate height for the column. (having lots of trouble here)
Calculate for species B and C,
The selectivity factor = tr'2/tr'1
which = 3.54/3.29
= 1.07
the length of column necessary to separate the two species with a resolution of 1.5. ( I cant do this one please help)
Thanks, to whoever helps me out with this, I am having so much trouble
2 answers
Retention time
Nonretained 3.1 -
A = 5.4
B = 13.3
C = 14.1
D = 21.6
Width of peak
A = 0.41
B= 1.07
C= 1.16
D= 1.72