1. soy
6.es , era ??
Ser or Estar use correct form
1. Yo estoy de Claifronia
2. Nosotros estamos estudiant de VP
3. Tu y tus amigos eres simpaticicos e inteligentes
4. Hoy yo _____ un poco nerviosa por la prueba.
5. Ayer es Domingo
6. Ella no _____estadoundidenses. ____ingeles
7. Las Chica eres bonita
8 El libro estar encima de la mesa
2 answers
In #2 be sure to make estudiantes plural because it says "We are students."
#5 is could be "fue" or "era" depending upon what the speaker has in mind. Besides you need to know if "Domingo" is a boy or merely a day of the week!
#6 has a problem because "Ella" is singular, so it must be "estudiante" and inglesa. It is probably meant to say:"she is not NorthAmerican, but English. = Ella no es estadounidense sino inglesa = as ONE sentence, but with the period = Es inglesa.
#7 It must be either "La chica" or "Las chicas" Because ONLY Las is plural, I suspect it must say: "La chica es es bonita." Here is where number (everything must be plural or singula) and gender (everything must be feminine or masculine) are important.
#8 El libro está (both are wrong wthout the accent mark) encima de la mesa.
#5 is could be "fue" or "era" depending upon what the speaker has in mind. Besides you need to know if "Domingo" is a boy or merely a day of the week!
#6 has a problem because "Ella" is singular, so it must be "estudiante" and inglesa. It is probably meant to say:"she is not NorthAmerican, but English. = Ella no es estadounidense sino inglesa = as ONE sentence, but with the period = Es inglesa.
#7 It must be either "La chica" or "Las chicas" Because ONLY Las is plural, I suspect it must say: "La chica es es bonita." Here is where number (everything must be plural or singula) and gender (everything must be feminine or masculine) are important.
#8 El libro está (both are wrong wthout the accent mark) encima de la mesa.