Please check this for me and let me know what you think thanks
The HIPAA Privacy Standards that went into effect in April
of 2003 greatly affect both the privacy rights of patients and
the duties of medical personnel.
Procedure instructions for research project.
Go hipaa website and begin
your research at that site for answers to the questions below.
Be sure to carefully read the PDF file ¡°Summary of HIPAA
Privacy Rule.¡± (Note that covered entity means those who are
subject to the HIPAA rules¡ªlike health plans, doctors, hospitals,
clinics, and nursing homes.) You¡¯ll probably need to use
additional research material and Web sites to complete your
project. You must use appropriate citation throughout your
paper, and you must attach a reference page to your project.
1. Does HIPAA affect the patient¡¯s access to his or her
medical records? If so, describe the effect and the
procedure for obtaining access.
2. Under what circumstances can personal health
information be used for purposes unrelated to
health care? (Hint: There should be at least 12
3. Are there requirements for covered entities to have
written privacy policies? If so, what has to be addressed
in the policy?
4. How will employees in the medical office have to be
trained regarding privacy (for example, who is responsible
for training and record keeping)? What is required if
an employee doesn¡¯t follow the privacy policy? When
must employees be trained? In what manner?
Provides clear answers to the assigned questions
¡ö Addresses the questions in complete sentences, not
just simple yes or no statements
¡ö Supports his or her opinion by citing specific
information from the assigned Web sites and
any other references using correct APA or MLA
guidelines for citations and references
¡ö Stays focused on the assigned issues
¡ö Writes in his or her own words and uses quotation
marks to indicate direct quotations
Written Communication
The student
¡ö Answers each question in a complete paragraph that
includes an introductory sentence, at least four sentences
of explanation, and a concluding sentence
¡ö Uses correct grammar, spelling, punctuation,
and sentence structure
¡ö Provides clear organization (for example, uses words like
first, however, on the other hand, and so on, consequently,
since, next, and when)
¡ö Makes sure the paper contains no typographical errors
ok this is what I did so far thanks again for all of your help
Law and Ethics
The Preamble of the American Medical Association (AMA) follows nine principles of medial ethics. The principles that have been adopted are not laws, but standards of conduct which defines the essentials of honorable behavior for the physician. These principles were primarily for the benefit of the patient. As a member of this profession, a physician must recognize responsibility to patients first and foremost, as well as to society, to other health professionals, and to self.("Principles of Medical Ethics" June 17, 2001.)
Law and Ethics
The Preamble of the American Medical Association (AMA) follows nine principles of medial ethics. The principles that have been adopted are not laws, but standards of conduct which defines the essentials of honorable behavior for the physician. These principles were primarily for the benefit of the patient. As a member of this profession, a physician must recognize responsibility to patients first and foremost, as well as to society, to other health professionals, and to self.("Principles of Medical Ethics" June 17, 2001.)
"The AMA reaffirms the importance of confidentiality of patient records regardless of the form in which they are stored. They will study and incorporate into its model legislation, Confidentiality of Health Care Information, a provision regulating third parties' use of computerized patient records in physicians' offices; and will develop guidelines for physicians using computerized medical record systems to protect the confidentiality, integrity and security of patient records. (H-315.990 Confidentiality of Computerized Patient Records).
In this paper I will try to answer some questions regarding the ethical opinions on computer confidentiality
1. Should corrections be date and time stamped?
Yes. This is for proper documentation purposes and to protect the integrity of the data. If ever the patient asks information on whom and when the correction was made, the information will be readily available. It should also include the name of the person who made the changes or who viewed the online record. (H-315.997 Patients' Access to Information Contained in Medical Records)
2. When should the patient be advised of the existence of computerized databases containing medical information about the patient?
The patient should be advised once the data is transferred to the computer database. Patient's permission should be obtained before they transfer the records on the computer database. This done to protect the patient's right to privacy and confidentiality. (H-315.997 Patients' Access to Information Contained in Medical Records)
3. When should the patient be notified of purging of archaic or inaccurate information?
The patient should be notified before the information was purged or before the inaccurate information is replaced by the more accurate data. ("Patient confidentiality")
4. When should the computerized medical database be online to the computer terminal?
If sharing this information allows patients to be treated more efficiently and safely.
"Electronic health information systems allow increased access and transmission to health data. Physicians in integrated delivery systems or networks now have access to the confidential information of all the patients within their system or network. Confidential information also is disseminated through clinical repositories and shared databases" (Patient Confidentiality)
5. When the computer service bureau destroys or erases records, should the erasure be verified by the bureau to the physician?
Yes, because it is the physicians responsibility and the patient's records integrity at stake. Any changes should be informed to the person's concerned.
6. Should individuals and organizations with access to the databases be identified to the patient?
Yes, since it is a breach of confidentiality if information is disclosed to a third party, without patient consent or court order any private information that the physician has learned within the patient-physician relationship.
7. Does the AMA ethics opinion mention encryption as a technique for security?
Yes, The HIPAA Security Standards require physicians to protect the security of patients' electronic medical information through the use of procedures and mechanisms that protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information. Physicians must have in place administrative, physical, and technical safeguards that will protect electronic health information that the physician collects, maintains, uses, and transmits.
8. What does the ethics opinion say about disclosure by recipients of authorized data to third parties?
If the patient gave the authorization to release his electronic records into the computer database According to AMA patient confidentiality rules, "The patient's express authorization is required before the medical records can be released to the following parties: patient's attorney or insurance company; patient's employer, member of the patient's family member and the patient's attorney under a durable power of attorney for health care" (Patient Confidentiality)
Then my sources would go here
54 answers
I will check for English, grammar, etc., but not content, other than simple logic!
Paragraph 1
*medial ethics = ?
*"standards" (plural subject) needs plural verb - "defines" should be what, do you think?
*If any of this is quoted, be sure to get those quotation marks in there. Also you need to add some kind of thesis statement, I'd think. Otherwise, all you're writing is a report, not an essay.
Paragraph 2
The entire paragraph is one quotation? Without ending quotation marks? Without any interpretation or explanation from your own mind? How will your instructor know what YOU THINK if all you do is quote from sources?
Anything starting "In this paper I will try..." is very third-grade. How can you rephrase to make this more adult? This could be the basis of your thesis statement, with additional thought. (See linked page above.)
The rest of the paper is simply question and answer, often without complete sentences. If this is to be an essay, you need to write in well-developed paragraphs which include ideas you've been taught AND YOUR INTERPRETATIONS AND EXPLANATIONS ABOUT THEM.
Please revise and repost.
How did you find this information? I am taking the same class and have looked for hours without finding anything of value.
I am taking a course at Penn Foster and was having problems myself finding this information. It takes awhile but the AMA site really is helpful. Try looking for article E 5.07 and H 325.971. Also go to Google books and search the book Medical Ethics. It lets you preview the book and a lot of the info you need is in there. This is a hard research paper and I'm still searching some myself. Good luck!!
i am also taking a course at Penn Foster, I am having such a difficult time in doing the research, can someone tell where can i get most of the info. thanks
Hi Stephanie, I am also taking the course at Penn Foster, and I am still searching for good information. good luck, i know the feeling on how hard this research paper is. If i find anything I will definitely share it.
I am working on the same Reasearch project and found most of the information on WikiAnswers website. This is the first time I have ever done a paper and I am not sure how the Reference and Citations part is to be written. Can anyone help me?
at the wikianswers website I just typed in each question and receibed information about the questions.
thanks a lot, I am myself also having problems on how to do the citation.
But I will need to figure it out.
I found a program that helps with writing papers. EazyPaper. They have a trial period of 2 days and it helps with the formats of writing a paper and references/citations. check it out.
i take it that you are taking a medical course? how are you doing?, Have you had any problems with all the questions? the only one that I am having problems with is #1, which is very treaky. Thanks for the information
Taking the same course from Penn Foster and this is one of the hardest research papers that I've ever had to do. Making paragraphs out of one or two sentence answers is not easy. Been stuck on it for 3 months now! Good luck to all of you.
I know the feeling, I have been stuck for the last 2 months as well. Good luck to you
I know the feeling. I have been stuck for the last 2 months as well. good luck to you too.
Am taking the same course from Penn Foster and this is a hard research paper so i no the feeling i been stuck for 2 months as well so good luck to you all
Wow you guys have been stuck on this for 3 months!? Are you kidding me!? I just started the book last week and I'm finishing it today. If you read the book, it gives you ALL the answers. Then go to AMA's website (as it says) and you can find most of the answers there too. I just so happened to stumble upon this page while searching for other resources. It made me giggle.
I am also taking this same course with Penn Foster for Health Information Technology. I have been stuck on this research paper for about 1 month now. I'm wanting to finish it so badly. I have most of the answers except the one about the written privacy policies and training. My biggest problem is knowing how to cite everything. I got most of my information from the Privacy Summary on the website. So that would be my only source. I'm stuck.
I submitted my HIPAA RESEARCH PROJECT and it was graded within 3 days. I received an 84!
I finished the course in three weeks. I received a 97 on my reserch project.Everything you need to know is under the HIPAA laws.
All employees in the medical office must be train in awareness of HIPAA concepts. Anyone using or disclosing patient’s health information must have training courses on an organization policy and procedure. Continuous training is required and refresher courses on changes to policy and procedure. All employees training courses must be documented. A policies and procedures manual should contain the nature of the sanctions. Minor, honest mistakes may require only a written warning, and add to employee’s record. However, if and intentional or negligent violations would result in termination, fines and imprisonment.
The problem I am having is that the instructions say to use the AMA website for your research and to find ethical opinions. The hint say: ethical opinions begin with "e". I am not able to find those using their search bar. Any suggestions? I am afraid if I don't use the AMA website and only cite the HIPAA website, they will take points off.
I am taking courses with Penn Foster also. I am having the same problems as every one else. I have the Law and Ethics paper and 2 more and I am done.This paper is driving me nuts.I submitted it once and I got a 55 on it.
Iam on 109 Research projecct and its kicking my butt..
Hey girls, I'm also doing the penn foster project 109 and its killing me too. I did find one page that answers most of the questions, but I'm not allowed to put it up or put up my e-mail latinavixen435
Hey girls, I'm also doing the penn foster project 109 and its killing me too. I did find one page that answers most of the questions, but I'm not allowed to put it up or put up my e-mail up so aim me latinavixen435 I will be more then happy to give you that info.
Hey! I am also doing the penn foster project 109. The AMA website instructions make no sense. There is nothing with the "E" in front of it. I've been going through it for 2 days now and getting more frustrated. I've just decided to google search the answers. That's all I can think of. I don't think they will take off points because we will have the answers. If they do it shouldn't be too much. Good luck to everyone!!! :)
I am also doing the Penn Foster thing. I am getting so frustrated. I will say though to everyone to be careful in finding answers because I have found different answers from different places and its hard to know which way to go. GOOD LUCK TO ALL!
I am also doing the Penn Foster thing. You guys are right some answers are hard to find and it gets fustrating i am stuck on ethics opinion to third parties hope I will find it at some point. Help anyone!!!!!!
wow im surprised at how many people are doing this paper with penn foster. im so glad im not the only one. i found wikianswers to b e very helpful as well and as far a citation goes: print out the infor you find and at the bottom of the page will be the URL u need for your citations page. my last paper i just typed exactly whats at the bottom of each page of info it became a hyperlink and i got a 97 on the paper with no points deducted for my works cited so apparently its right. try it out it'll save you some time. don't forget to double space.
I am doing this paper right now! Its amazing how many of us are with Penn Foster...anyone in the MT program? I have done multiple papers so far, and this is the hardest one to find the citations for, even though I know most of the answers!
Having the same issues!! glad to see all you guys from Penn Foster. I currently work for a hospital and STILL can't get these questions answered... getting frustrating because i only have a few more exams left till I am done (Medical Billing/Coding)
For those of you using WIKIANSWERS I would be careful some people don't know WHAT they are talking about on those sites and answers can be wrong or misguided and keep in mind that Pennfoster's teachers arent stupid (As some of you may know) it would also be REAL easy to claim plagiarism by google searching and finding answers on WIKI and matching them to your paper (not saying they will,but it's a possibility)
It is amazing how many people have the same issue. My wife is doing this same paper and questions for Penn Foster for her MT certificate. Did anyone find a sure place to find the information. Did anyone get everything answered? I am trying to help her do some research.
This research project is the hardest paper I had to write EVER!!I got all my answers from Wiki but I compared the same answers in the OCR Hipaa summary. Just to make sure that I had the right info. I have put if off for 2 months. Now it's time to get down to business! I'm currently working on my Intro. I wish everyone the best of luck with this HARD project and other courses to come.
I tried looking on the AMA website for HOURS for the answers to these questions. I've decided to copy down these answers, go over my book once more and then add onto the already written answers and try to make them my own. This subject is tough and seems to be something Lawyers and Doctors should be studying and not medical billers. Whoever wrote this thanks for your help! And peoples comments really helped me alot and gave me more ideas! Thanks for the help everyone!!!
I see alot of you arewith Penn Foster, as well as myself. I have struggled as well on some of these questions. Just be careful on the answers you choose, make sure you do search other websites and resources. I have been told some answers are not correct and a friend of mine got a few wrong because of this. Good Luck to all!
I am also with Penn Foster doing the med billing/coding program. Just starting this paper and it looks like it will be a hard one. You guys have given me soon good advice. Thank you.
So I am now on A & P 1 and researching my research paper for "Regular physical fitness and exercise". Anyone else do a paper on this? If so what were some of the websites that you may have used?
I too am working on this research project, and found the information regarding ethical opinions at the AMA site. Now all I have to do is write the 8 paragraphs.
I am working on the same research paper. so far, i have 1-4 and still searching. Penn foster student
Stumbling across this has made me feel a little better that im not the only one a bit stuck. Everytime i try to sit down and research or read anything one of my children need something. So far i have nothing but the night is still
I am research student pursuing from the same field. Your article really helped my a lot in completing my assignments. There are many queries going in my mind regarding the same now it is solved to the utmost extent. thank you
Amy Cooper
What dose the etic opion say about disclosure by receients of authorized data to third parties
I have been stuck on it for the past 2 months as well. I am so frustrated I could cry! Im doing the Medical Coding and Billing diploma program. I got a 95 on my last paper and had no problems doing it. The only reason I got a 95 was because I didn't spell out 15! Grrr! But now this paper is just making me sooo stressed!! Help someone!
No-one wants to know what I think....after all this I better get a job in coding in billin....however I have notified businesses, health/insurance/ cares about Penn Foster...big mistake I made...and talk about throwing money away..
I'm also taking this same course with penn foster for medical office assistant. I have been stuck on this research paper for about 2 month now. I am wanting to finish it so far. I have most of the answers except the one about the written privacy policies and training. my biggest problim is to know how to conclusion. But i got most of the my information from the privacy summary on the website google. So that would be my only source. I'm struck
Time 1:02PM
Jun 15, 2009.
Wow, I agree with the anonymous person that said it was easy. I did this course in 2 weeks, did my research project in 3 hours, submitted it, and received a 100. Like the research project before this that penn foster assigned, i did the same. Penn foster gives you the cites to look at to answer all your questions right in the Study guide and all the answers are in your text book too. How much more help do you people need? the ANSWERS are practically given to you.
Dr. Bob treats Timmy (date of birth 8/1/97) on June 1, 2000. The statute of limitations for medical malpractice in the state is three years. The age of majority (adulthood) in the state is 18. When may the record of Timmy's treatment be destroyed?
What is the behavior of public and privte?
i am also doing a reshearch paper for penn foster and i have all my info but i have no idea how to start it can anyone help me please?
Having trouble not with the actual answers (I did find them all on the HIPAA site given) however I am struggling with how to properly do the citations and reference page. Can anyone help with explaining this?
I am also a Penn Foster student. This page is very helpful for the paper as is the HIpAA site. For thoes of you who are having trouble and for thoes of you to come with works cited i hope this web site helps.easybib into google it will come up.
All it is copy and past and it makes your works cited page for you then you can copy and past it to the end of your paper. I learned this last year in college its good! hope it works!
I am doing the same class and I agree this is difficult. I work on it gradually...a little everyday, but I keep at it, I don't give up easily and love a challenge...yes, this is a challenge. I have found answers by searching the internet, though I've had to type my search in various ways, choosing different words. I also refer back to the textbook, just remembering where I read something is the problem but I get it done. Chapters 4 & 11 in the textbook are helpful. Check out AHIMA, For The Record Mag, and HIPAA FAQs website.
When you get tired give your brain a break, get away from it for a while.
I hope this helps. Good luck to you all.
I too am taking the course from Penn Foster. I don't think I've ever run across anything quite this hard to do when it comes to a scholl assignment. I've been working on this for well over a month now, and seem to be getting nowhere fast!
When a patient walks into any healthcare institution for treatment,if that institution accepts that patient, they have also accepted protecting every thing that belongs to that patient including his/her medical records.