In the play, A Raisin in the Sun, what should be included in the diagram of the stage besides the two bedroom doors, the window, Travis' bed, the table and chairs, and the couch?

Also, I don't know where to put the door that leads into and out of the apartment. Any ideas?
One more thing. In the book, it says Mama and Bennie's bedroom door is "at left". Walter and Ruth's is opposite-"at right". I am confused as to where to label these two doors on the diagram. This is the diagram:



(Which door goes on Stage Right, and which on Stage Left?)

6 answers

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. To see the parts of a stage, download the following pdf file:
Thank you very much, but I already know the parts of the stage. The diagram given labeled them for me. My job is to fill in all, you could call them. Like the doors, the table, the couch, etc. I was wondering if I was missing anything. Above, I also asked two other questions regarding where the three doors belong on the diagram of the stage. I typed the diagram of the stage (if you'll notice above) which is what you gave me. The diagram I typed above included the EXACT SAME parts- the up stage, down stage, etc.- that you gave me, which I don't need. You must have misunderstood my question, bbut just to clear things up, I'm not looking for the parts of the stage.
This is the site of the set design that I gave you previously.
Thank you for everything, but nothing seems to be helping. I think I just need to make myself clearer. This is my assignment:
~Begin reading the play (A Raisin in the Sun) and draw and label a diagram of the stage for yourself.~
Beneath, this is the diagram provided:
Up Stage

Stage Right Stage Left

Down Stage

That given diagram takes up the whole page. My job is to DRAW and LABEL everything where it goes, whether up stage, down stage, right or left stage.

I have DRAWN two bedroom doors, but in order to LABEL them, I need to find out who they belong to. In the book, it says Mama and Bennie's bedroom door is "at left". Walter and Ruth's is opposite-"at right". I am confused as to which door is whose. Should Mama and Bennie's bedroom("at left") be labeled as the door that's on stage right or left? Same for Ruth and Walter's.

Also, there's a third door which leads into and out of the apartment. I've looked at what you've given me, but I don't see it. Where should I draw this door?(up stage, down stage, stage right, or stage left?) (I've ruled out down stage, which is right in front of the audience).

One more thing. What else should be drawn in the diagram of the stage besides the three doors, the window, Travis' bed, the table and chairs, and the couch?
Did you look at this site????,%2Bset%2Bdesign%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26ie%3DUTF-8

There is a picture of the stage set and a diagram that is labeled.
Looking at the stage... your right hand is stage right. Your left hand is stage left.
Yes, I have looked at those pictures, but my computer does not let me see the one that looks drawn (the labeled diagram)