I wrote a paragraph in English and then needed to translate into spanish can you please review thanks sam
En las vacaciones de invierno me quedé en casa. Pasé tiempo con mi familia. Yo estudie para los exámenes finales. Yo tuve tiempo a organizar mis cosas. Yo celebre chanukah con mi madre y Navidad con mi padre. En Chanukah encendíamos unas velas y recibimos unos regalos. Nosotros celebramos por ocho días. En Navidad nosotros decoramos un árbol y celebramos por un día. Yo recibí una cartera amarilla y perfume. Me divertí porque me relajé and tiempo con mi mama.
During the winter break I stayed at home. I spent the time with my family. I studied for my many final exams. I finally had time to organize my room and stuff. I celebrated Chanukah with my mom and brothers. Christmas with my dad. In Chanukah we light candles and receive gifts. We celebrate for eight days. In Christmas we decorate a tree and celebrate for one day. I received a yellow wallet and perfume. I had fun because I relaxed and spent time alone with my mom.
1 answer
Yo estudié (con acento)
Yo tuve tiempo para organizar, etc.
Yo celebré Chanukah (better capitalized) y la Navidad...
Rather than "encendíamos" = we were lighting candles, "encendimos" = we DID light
Rather than "En Navidad" = La Navidad, nosotros decoramos, etc.
me relajé y pasé tiempo con mi mamá. (you needed another verb and note the accent on "mamá."
Quite well done! (haces progreso, Sam)