Consider the following circuit that contains a battery and six identical resistors:

The diagram has branch A with one resistor, connected to branch B with two resistors connected in parallel, and then branch B is connected to branch C with three resistors connected in parallel. The end of branch C is connected to a battery, and the end of branch A is connected to the opposite end of the battery.

Which resistor branch has the largest potential drop across it?
all the same

I'm thinking C just because each resistor has its own voltage drop and there are more resistors on branch this right?

1 answer

The same amount of current goes through each branch
say i through branch A and therefore R
now in branch b we get i/2 through each, half the voltage drop at A
and in branch c we get i/3 through each so
1/3 the voltage drop at A
The more the paths for the current, the less the voltage drop