Cambie las frases en el presente a mandatos familiares. Incluya los pronombres cuando sea posible.

MODELO: No comes los dulces. -> No los comas.

1. Tienes prisa.

2. Te duermes temprano.

3. Haces la cama.

3 answers

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. First of all, how to form the Familiar Command (tú). An -ar, -er and -ir verb looks like the 3rd person singular in the affirmative command but has the opposite vowel in the negative, because it is really the Present Subjunctive.

hablar = habla (tú) BUT no hables (tú)
comer = come (tú) BUT no comas (tú)
vivir = vive (tú) BUT no vivas (tú)

Irregular verbs often have a short form you just have to memorize for the affirmative but use the "yo" form for the stem of the negative, with the "opposite" vowel.

tener = ten BUT no tengas
hacer = haz BUT no hagas
dormir = duerme BUT no duermas

1. Ten prisa. (No object pronoun to worry about!)

2. Duérmete temprano. (Again, no object pronoun)

3. Haz la cama = Hazla. When you add one thing to an affirmative command, no accent to worry about.

P.S. I'll try to post the entire explanation. If it doesn't work, come back and ask any question you might have!



tomar, to take, drink


toma (tú) take (sing.) no tomes (tú) don't take (sing.)
tomad (vosotros) take (pl.) no toméis (vos.) don't take (pl.)

comer, to eat

come (tú) eat (sing.) no comas (tú) don't eat (sing.)
comed (vosotros) eat (pl.) no comáis (vos.) don't eat (pl.)

escribir, to write

escribe (tú) write (sing.) no escribas(tú) don't write (sing.)
escribid (vos.) write (pl.) no escribáis(vos) don't write (pl.)


The singular form of the familiar affirmative command is the same as the third person singular of the present indicative.
The plural form of the familiar affirmative command is formed by changing the final -r of the infinitive to -d.
The negative forms of the familiar command are expressed by the present subjunctive.


decir, to say: di (tú) salir, to leave: sal (tú)
hacer, to do: haz (tú) ser, to be: sé (tú)
ir, to go: ve (tú) tener, to have: ten (tú)
poner, to put: pon (tú) valer, to be worth: val (tú)
venir, to come: ven (tú)

Irregular verbs in the familiar commands are irregular in the tú form only. The other forms are regular.

decir: di (tú) decid (vosotros)
no digas (vosotros) no digáis (vosotros)

hacer: has (tú) haced (vosotros)
no hagas (tú) no hagáis (vosotros)

P.P.S. OK, sorry, it will NOT copy and paste!

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