As a health project, I have to make some sort of presentation expressing ANYTHING in health. Like I have to make a poster on the circulatory system or something but I don't want to do something so easy. Could you help me with some possible ideas, or like what I could do it on? Thanks.
A project on relationship between food consumption and its effect on insulin production in the body will be quite interesting and educational.
Hey...thats not bad. Any more ideas would be great. Thank you Mr. Brain.
you could make a model body and show how food is digested like you point out the parts of the body and say what the function is and what happens to the food at that stage.
32 answers
try doing a 4 page resreach paper for health
How about doing it on sunblock or oats and grains. lol. good luck.
How do I make a good presentation in health class about obesity
i need an health project idea for school tomorrow could any body please help
try making a coalage or a poster from pictures in magazine about how the media thinks people should look
do a slide show on healthy foods to eat
Make a poster on different types of sprots and how to keep active
Write a report about how to keep in shape
Make a poster on how to stay away from drugs and smoking
I need help with a group project on health?!
Show ur class different yoga moves and tell them doing yoga wiill help them keep in shape
Hello, do u know any group projects for health
Draw pictures on how to keep healthy
u know any ideas for projects
Make posters or powerpoints on sports, healthy food, or how to stay away from BAD things for your body
any types of project ideas??????
Hi my friend
Do a healthy eating plan for one day,making sure you get plenty of each.
suk it
make one about how venereal disease and drugs are connected (:
yall are So helpful..
whoop whoop
i have to do one to.
these are terrible ideas.
umm i just need a gd idea for my health project on nutristion anyone gonna help out????
do it on phobias..its unique
i need to do an extra credit health project..... grrrr... anyway anybody got any good ideas???? plz!!!
Try your brain on Crystal Meth
do it on second hand smoke
i need ideas how to make a female reproductive or male reproductive made in clay or play doh other material its for school i'm a medical assistant student
should you do what you feel is best for jerry at the risk of alienating yourself from the staff?".