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Questions and answers by
foxy the pirate fox
Answers (35)
freddys right
fake sue and writeacher.
no thats wrong all you do is put your mom on a scale and i`m not the same foxy the pirate fox.
the person above is correct and has a nice name i might add.
Wow your mom is very edgucatted now I have all a`s. thank you.
bean is correct.
i agree with peoplesuck123
omg alot of people like boo and he`s correct!!!!
a b a d is correct for canexus unit 3 lesson 14 B 7th grade promiss.
3 years worth of thanks lol`z
none ya buissnes if none ya is write or not
thx jacksepticeye
what is the point of 7 if thier all correct. and ur both 100%
Seananners is 100% correct!!!!
i mean ur really bad at this i mean how would you know if she was hot you don`t even know if she`s a she after all so she/he would see that ur faking it obviously. but uh nice try bro.
also this is not a place where ur suposed to prank... badly
everyone with a c a b b are correct100%
WTF SS u r insane amounts of wierd what made you want to say that in a publick chat room. oooooooohhhh and same to fake Ms, Sue.
someone is correct.
no what?
1d 2d 3d 4c 5a is correct 100%
Akame is correct 100%
if that is the correct poem id go with A narrative poem
Oh and its by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
Angie means "The Tide Rises, the Tide Falls" that`s the name of the poem.
Mags and Yukino are 100%
Oh and people who say othar people are wrong they just dont want us to cheat.
4 years of fighting new record!
i agree
Ms. Sue im sorry for what people say about you your right people should not cheat just dont help them unless the say what they think the answer is and if they are just asking dont replie with anything just let the cheaters be tards
madda answers for u is corect
hes rig hight 5 is d allie is a t*rd
oh nevermind i posted that bafore i read it what sue said
awesome there is one thing awesomer than awesome and that me foxy the pirate fox
you guys could have just agreed with Jordan