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Questions (5)
Find the ratio of the pH of solution (I) containing 1 mol of CH3COONa and 1 mol of HCl in 1L and solution (II)
containing 1 mol
2 answers
To what volume should 10L of 0.5M CH3COOH (Ka = 1.8×10–5) be diluted in order to double the OH–
7 answers
In the titration of a solution of a weak acid HA with NaOH the pH is 5.0 after 10ml of NaOH solution has
been added and 5.6 after
2 answers
How many grams of solid KOH must be added to 100ml of a buffer solution which is 0.1M each with
respect to the weak acid HA and
2 answers
1.025g of an impure sample of a weak acid HX(mol mass = 82) is dissolved in 60ml of water and titrated
with 0.25M NaOH. When half
2 answers
Answers (8)
How the concentration of HAc in first solution became 0.5M Can you explain pls
5 = Pka+ log 10x/a-10x -----(1) 5.6 = Pka+ log 20x/a-20x -----(2) (2) - (1) --> 0.6= log(20x/a-20x)- log(10x/a-10x) Since Pka is cancelled during subtraction. Solving the above eqn taking RHS in the form log a - log b = log a/b We get a = 30x Substituting
Yes DrBob222... Thanks for your response... I tried previous problem as given below.. Don't know whether correct... Let 'a' be initial milli moles of HA and molarity of NaOH be 'x' In both case solution is acidic.. ie acidic buffer HA + NaOH --> NaA +H2O a
Can we use Henderson -Hasselbalch equatiin for acid buffer to solve this probkem...??
Thank you DrBob222 for the correction..
Normality = No. of gram equivalents of H2SO4/ volume of solution (litres) = (27/49) ------- 100×10^-3 = 5 Normal
Yes... Got the answer 0.458 g.. Thank you...
Thank you DrBob222... Got the answer as 80% purity.