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LOL surprise
Answers (18)
You guys do know that this isn't being graded right? It's just checking what you know, and what you need more help on
I didn't say anything about ME. But she said WE'RE cheating ourselves, not YOU specifically. This is my point exactly. You need to pay attention and actually read what's right in front of you. I'm not saying this about everyone, just people who pick
Am ver weird
oof, that was supposed to be a smiley face. I failed. Ok. Bye for real this time. Byyyye!
First of all, don't cuss, second, if they wanna "cheat" then that's on them. I said "cheat" because maybe they were just checking there answers. I have a friend that goes to connexus, and she comes here to check her answers. if she gets one wrong, she
Ms.lauren Bradly, why do you care first of all, and second, it's obvios your doing some kind of cheating too if your on this site. So please stop, and think about why your here, it's probably the same reason we're here. Think about it that way.
Ms. Sue, why do you feel the need to bring people down? If they need help and your not here then they'll look for others. You saying that, "Anyone who believes a bunch of letters are the right answers is naive and not very bright.", makes YOU the bully
She said WE'RE cheating ourselves, not YOUR cheating yourself. You guys need to pay attention and stop trying to pick fights. If you disagree with what they said then put a thumbs down. You don't have to be jerks.
First of all, yes D is correct, second, you shouldn't be apologizing, even if they're German. Your just saying what happened, stating facts. This stuff actually happened, and Germany did lose. Germans shouldn't take it offensively, it's their history just
(thumbs up)
I took Ms. Sue's advise and I fond it really helpful. After reading I think that the correct answer is B, direct military conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union
Or, you could change the mixed numbers into improper fractions, then multiply, you would get 150/15. Then you would simplify. You would still get the same answer. =)
OK? What extatically is the "City of Light"?
thanks 100% #suckatscience =p (that's been my response for awhile, I know)
100% 4/4 #suckatscience #thnx LOL
Note: Enter your answer and show all the steps that you use to solve this problem in the space provided. Using the following set of data, calculate the lower quartile, the upper quartile, and the interquartile range. 20, 22, 25, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34 Be
so just frieken help us then!!! #whattheheck
These answers are golden. Thanks