please provide help w/singular plural

  1. Conjugate the following verbs in Spanish-1. Estudiar- singular and plural 2. correr- singular and plural 3. vivir- singular and
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    2. Aubrey asked by Aubrey
    3. views icon 860 views
  2. Is toast singular, plural, or both?Bring the toast here! Singular. The toasts were enlighting. Plural
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    2. Mary asked by Mary
    3. views icon 2,985 views
  3. A. miB. mis C. tu, tus D. su E. nuestro, nuestra F. nuestros, nuestas G. sus 1. Our (plural) 2.(singular) his, her,
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. ShadyyKatie asked by ShadyyKatie
    3. views icon 612 views
  4. This is what would not post:PLURAL OF NOUNS Most French nouns, like most English nouns, form their plural by adding s to the
    1. answers icon 3 answers
    2. SraJMcGin asked by SraJMcGin
    3. views icon 1,080 views
  5. One more try!PLURAL OF NOUNS Most French nouns, like most English nouns, form their plural by adding s to the singular: SINGULAR
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. SraJMcGin asked by SraJMcGin
    3. views icon 854 views
  6. PLURAL OF NOUNS (that refused to post before!)Most French nouns, like most English nouns, form their plural by adding "s" to the
    1. answers icon 0 answers
    2. SraJMcGin asked by SraJMcGin
    3. views icon 753 views
  7. Change each noun and its article from singular to plural, or from plural to singular in Spanish1) una lección 2) unas
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    2. views icon 51 views
  8. Change each noun and its article from singular to plural, or from plural to singular in Spanish1) una lección 2) unas
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. views icon 40 views
  9. Is the indefinite pronoun in the following sentence singular or plural?Most of the freeway construction is complete. plural
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    2. views icon 61 views
  10. he indefinite pronoun “few” isA) plural B) singular C) singular or plural depending on the context My answer is A
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    2. Marie asked by Marie
    3. views icon 518 views