mary travel 60mph at 6am,

  1. mary travel 60mph at 6am, tom travel 70mph at 8am. What time tom will catch up to mary
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    2. kiki asked by kiki
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  2. mary travel 60mph at 6am, tom travel 70mph at 8am. What time tom will catch up to mary?
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    2. kiki asked by kiki
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  3. if you drive for 3hours at 60mph and then for 2hours at 70mph,how far will you travel?
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    2. babyc36 asked by babyc36
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  4. what constant acceleration, in SI units, must a car have to go from zero to 60mph in 10s?How far has the car traveled when it
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    2. nick asked by nick
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  5. 10. Mary's travel time and speed vary INVERSELY. Mary drives home from work in 40 minutes driving 55 mph. If Mary needs to get
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    2. Please help asked by Please help
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  6. A car can brake to a stop from 60mph in 2.6 seconds. If the car has a weight of 3225 lbs, what force in Newton's acts on the
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    2. MJW asked by MJW
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  7. Car A is travelling at a constant speed of 100mph at the time it passes a stationary vehicle (Car B). If the Car B hopes to
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    2. Chris asked by Chris
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  8. Vehicle can travel 0-60mph in 7.6 sec. From a dead stop, what is the highest rate of speed vehicle can reach and decelerate to
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    2. Robin asked by Robin
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  9. Mary leaves a dock paddling her canoe at 3m/s. She heads downstreamat an angle of 30 degrees to the current which is flowing at
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    2. Kevinn asked by Kevinn
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  10. Main Characters: Mary, Emily, Mary's son and hiswife. Conflict: Mary's health was declining causing her to make a mess at dinner
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    2. myworldwha asked by myworldwha
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