jupiter orbits the sun twice

  1. jupiter orbits the sun twice in 23.72 years. What is the length of its semi major axis as it orbits the sun in AU?A) 563 AU B)
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    2. Pls help me asked by Pls help me
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  2. jupiter orbits the sun twice in 23.72 years. What is the length of its semi major axis as it orbits the sun in AU?A) 563 AU B)
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    2. HELP asked by HELP
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  3. jupiter orbits the sun twice in 23.72 years. What is the length of its semi major axis as it orbits the sun in AU?A) 563 AU B)
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    2. ✅✅✅ asked by ✅✅✅
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  4. The largest moon in the solar system is Ganymede, a moon of Jupiter. Ganymede orbits at a distance of 1.07 X 10^9 m from the
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    2. Cooper asked by Cooper
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  5. jupiter orbits the sun at a rate of 8 miles per second haw far does jupiter travel in one day
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    2. jovanie asked by jovanie
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  6. One of Jupiter’s moons, Io, has a radius of 1.82 x 10^6 meters and orbits at an average distance of 4.22 x10^8meters above the
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    2. Lexi asked by Lexi
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  7. Between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, several thousand small objects called asteroids move in nearly circular orbits around
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    2. jose asked by jose
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  8. Ganymede is a moon of jupiter mass=1.90 x 10^27 kg. it orbits jupiter in a circle of radius 1.07 x 10^9 m. what is ganymede's
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    2. John asked by John
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  9. Io gets most of its heat flow from tidal pulling and pushing as it orbits Jupiter. Europa also orbits Jupiterand gets quite a
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    2. Ashley asked by Ashley
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  10. A large chunk of rock and metal that orbits the sun, usually between Mars and Jupiter. Many scientists believe these objects are
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    2. Moon squad! asked by Moon squad!
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