find single- digit positive interger

  1. find single- digit positive interger values x and y so the four numbers x++y, 3x+2y,8 and 9 can be combined to make 24.
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    2. seekii asked by seekii
    3. views icon 469 views
  2. Find the sum of all 3-digit positive numbers N that satisfy the condition that the digit sum of N is 3 times the digit sum of
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    2. rohit asked by rohit
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  3. at the end of fiscal year 2004, the fedral dept of country C is $278,560,125,000. what is the closest estimation of this amount?
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    2. NIGAS asked by NIGAS
    3. views icon 41 views
  4. Find a three-digit positive integers such that the sum of all three digit is i4, the tens digit is two more than ones and if the
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    2. Maria Christina asked by Maria Christina
    3. views icon 926 views
  5. Find all three-digit even numbers N such that 693xN is a perfect square, that is, 693 x N = k2 where k is an interger.
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    2. Alex asked by Alex
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  6. Find a six-digit even number containing no zeros and no repeating digits in which the first digit is four more than the second
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    2. Chris asked by Chris
    3. views icon 1,188 views
  7. Find the sum of all 3-digit positive numbers N that satisfy the condition that the digit sum of N is 3 times the digit sum of
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    2. Hale asked by Hale
    3. views icon 532 views
  8. the sum of 3 consecutive intergers is 90. find the largest interger if x is the smallest interger
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    2. kendra asked by kendra
    3. views icon 437 views
  9. thr ratio of two integers is 6:13 the smaller interger is 54. find the larger interger
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    2. john asked by john
    3. views icon 539 views
  10. The sum of 3 consecutive intergers is 90. Find the largest interger if x is the smallest interger.
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    2. Ernest asked by Ernest
    3. views icon 638 views