The length of the cannon

  1. The length of the cannon barrel is 1.7 m and the cannon is aimed at a 38◦angle from the ground.The acceleration of gravity is
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    2. Connor asked by Connor
    3. views icon 628 views
  2. Part 1You are a pirate working for Dread Pirate Roberts. You are in charge of a cannon that exerts a force 10000 N on a cannon
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    2. Dave asked by Dave
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  3. You are a pirate working for Dread Pirate Roberts. You are in charge of a cannon that exerts a force 20000 N on a cannon ball
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    2. Anonymous asked by Anonymous
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  4. Part 2You are a pirate working for Dread Pirate Roberts. You are in charge of a cannon that exerts a force 20000 N on a cannon
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    2. ally asked by ally
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  5. You are a pirate working for Dread PirateRoberts. You are in charge of a cannon that exerts a force 20000 N on a cannon ball
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    2. Abby asked by Abby
    3. views icon 471 views
  6. Part 1You are a pirate working for Dread Pirate Roberts. You are in charge of a cannon that exerts a force 10000 N on a cannon
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    2. Mike asked by Mike
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  7. 22.a)You are a pirate working for Dread Pirate Roberts. You are in charge of a cannon that exerts a force 20000 N on a cannon
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    2. jeff asked by jeff
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  8. A 580 kg cannon and a supply of 41 cannon balls, each with a mass of 38.9 kg, are inside a sealed railroad car with a mass of
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    2. unless asked by unless
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  9. A 500-kg cannon and a supply of 80 cannon balls, each with a mass of 45.0 kg, are inside a sealed railroad car with a mass of
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    2. Katie asked by Katie
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  10. The cannon on a pirate ships shoots cannon balls with a speed of 350 m/s (the muzzle velocity).The cannon can be adjusted to
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    2. Simons asked by Simons
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