Ryan left musuem and drove

  1. Ryan left musuem and drove south. Gab left 3 hrs later driving 42 km/h to catch up to him. After 2 hrs gab finally caught up.
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    2. nancy asked by nancy
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  2. Ryan left. Gabby left 3 hrs later, she drove 42mph faste. In 2 hrs she caught up. What was Ryan speed
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    2. Anonymous asked by Anonymous
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  3. Ryan left the science museum and drovesouth. Gabriella left three hours later driving 42 km/h faster in an effort to catch up to
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    2. Anonymous asked by Anonymous
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  4. Ryan left the science museum and drove south. Gabriella left three hours later driving 42 km/h faster in an effort to catch up
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    2. Cammie asked by Cammie
    3. views icon 2,963 views
  5. ryan left the science museum and drove southgabriel left three hours later driving 42mph faster in s effort to catch up. after 2
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    2. corinne asked by corinne
    3. views icon 508 views
  6. Ryan Left The science Museum and drove south Gabriella left three hours later driving 42 km/h faster in an effort to catch up to
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    2. Evee asked by Evee
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  7. Which sentence would suppoet an an inference that a character is happy? Ryan bounced out of the office with a smile on her face.
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    2. views icon 83 views
  8. Which sentence would support an inference that a character is happy?A. Ryan bounced out of the office with a smile on her face.
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    2. 🧀 Cheesy-Mc-cheeserson 🧀 asked by 🧀 Cheesy-Mc-cheeserson 🧀
    3. views icon 103 views
  9. Which sentence would support an inference that a character is happy?A. Ryan bounced out of the office with a smile on her face.
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    2. nobody asked by nobody
    3. views icon 121 views
  10. a man drove his car northward, then turned left and drove 10 km and again turned left and drove 20km. he found himself 10 km
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    2. nimika asked by nimika
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