Integrate: dx/sqrt(x^2-9) Answer: ln(x +

  1. Integrate: 1/(x-sqrt(x+2) dxI came up with: (2/3)(2*ln((sqrt(x+2))-2)+ln((sqrt(x+2))-1)) but it keeps coming back the wrong
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    2. COFFEE asked by COFFEE
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  2. Question: ∫(x^2)/sqrt(x^2+1)u=x^2+1 , x^2= u-1, du=2xdx ∫(u-1)/sqrt(u) , expand ∫u/sqrt(u) - 1/sqrt(u) Integrate:
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    2. Liam asked by Liam
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  3. Integrate: dx/sqrt(x^2-9)Answer: ln(x + sqrt(x^2 - 9)) + C I'm getting the wrong answer. Where am I going wrong: Substitute: x =
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    2. mathstudent asked by mathstudent
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  4. Please do help solve the followings1) Integrate e^4 dx 2) Integrate dx/sqrt(90^2-4x^2) 3) Integrate (e^x+x)^2(e^x+1) dx 4)
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    2. Febby-1 asked by Febby-1
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  5. Calc length of arc of y=ln(x) from x=1 to x=2---- So far: Definite Integral over x=(1,2) of sqrt(1 + 1/x) dx 1/x = tan^2 t x =
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    2. mathstudent asked by mathstudent
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  6. Evaluate sqrt7x (sqrt x-7 sqrt7) Show your work.sqrt(7)*sqrt(x)-sqrt(7)*7*sqrt(7) sqrt(7*x)-7*sqrt(7*7) sqrt(7x)-7*sqrt(7^2)
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    2. Alexa asked by Alexa
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  7. Integrate dx/(sqrt(x^2+16)).I have no idea how to start and which method to use. Thinking some sort of trig substitution? But it
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    2. Cindy asked by Cindy
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  8. Please can anyone help with the following problems - thanks.1) Integrate X^4 e^x dx 2) Integrate Cos^5(x) dx 3) Integrate
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    2. Febby asked by Febby
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  9. When I solve the inquality 2x^2 - 6 < 0,I get x < + or - sqrt(3) So how do I write the solution? Is it (+sqrt(3),-sqrt(3)) or
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    2. Jen asked by Jen
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  10. So I am supposed to solve this without using a calculator: Sqrt[20]/10 - Sqrt[10]/Sqrt[32] - Sqrt[0.3125] + Sqrt[3 + 1/5]You can
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    2. Mr.AMG asked by Mr.AMG
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