IMPARFAIT/PASSE COMPOSE The non-native speaker

  1. IMPARFAIT/PASSE COMPOSEThe non-native speaker is often confused about when to use the imperfect (imparfait) and present perfect
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    2. Suzana asked by Suzana
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  2. IMPARFAIT/PASSE COMPOSEThe non-native speaker is often confused about when to use the imperfect (imparfait) and present perfect
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    2. Suzana asked by Suzana
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  3. 3 things on le passé composé vs. l'imparfait:Le Passé Composé vs L'Imparfait PRESENTATION: Il faisait froid quand je suis
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    2. Suzana asked by Suzana
    3. views icon 672 views
  4. hmm..are the tenses correct? It is still a bit difficult on when to use passe compose and when to use imparfait, eventhough I
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    2. sh asked by sh
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  5. Ecrivez le passé compose ou l'imparfait du verbe pour completer chaque phraseConjugate the verb in passé compose or imparfait
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    2. Sarah asked by Sarah
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  6. It's my first time using this site, but from what I have heard, it's really good. I had to write a paragraph using l'imparfait,
    1. answers icon 2 answers
    2. Sammy asked by Sammy
    3. views icon 628 views
  7. What's the difference between imparfait and passe compose?
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    2. Rose asked by Rose
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  8. I am having trouble distinguishing l'imparfait and the passe compose.
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    2. Yvonne asked by Yvonne
    3. views icon 751 views
  9. Can anyone explain la concordance des temps when your first verbs are passe compose, imparfait and plus-que-parfait?
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    2. Alex asked by Alex
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  10. I was wondering how do I put "Elle se Bronzent" is the Passe Compose, Imparfait, and Plus que parfait since i still haven't
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    2. MorganV asked by MorganV
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