How has the movie Hunger

  1. Hunger stole upon me so slowly that at first I was not aware of what hunger really meant. Hunger had always been more or less at
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  2. How has the movie Hunger Games combatted social norms?
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    2. anonymous asked by anonymous
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  3. hunger gamesMovie poster/infographic - Possibly use Canva- Create a movie poster of your novel, include the name(s) of the main
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    3. views icon 47 views
  4. My teacher said that we needed to do a book report or a movie report. 1. Can someone post a website of book reports and movie
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    2. Cerrety asked by Cerrety
    3. views icon 607 views
  5. For the hunger games books. Theres catching fire and mocking jay??? what are both of the books about? I only read the first book
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    2. Celest asked by Celest
    3. views icon 460 views
  6. Which sentence is an example of faulty coordination?Kari will go to the movie, and Kim will stay at home. The movie was
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    2. Mr. Muktchuprehendjulkipackleip asked by Mr. Muktchuprehendjulkipackleip
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  7. Is yearly a word? For instance if I use it in this sentence, would it work?The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins is a movie about
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    2. Celest asked by Celest
    3. views icon 409 views
  8. How would I cite quotes from books like The Hunger Games and Fahrenheit 451 in MLA Format?I have quotes I have to use in a
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    2. Sarah asked by Sarah
    3. views icon 860 views
  9. The relationship between Peeta and Katniss in The Hunger Games can indeed be related to the "hunger and thirst for
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. bob asked by bob
    3. views icon 89 views
  10. Members of the student government are planning a movie night on campus. They have asked a random sample of students which of
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    2. Anonymous asked by Anonymous
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