An office heater puts out

  1. An office heater puts out 2070 Btus (British thermal units) of energy in the form of heat per hour. Given that 1 Btu = 1.055 kJ,
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    2. Katie asked by Katie
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  2. An office heater puts out 2070 Btus (British thermal units) of energy in the form of heat per hour. Given that 1 Btu = 1.055 kJ,
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    2. Cain asked by Cain
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  3. How does a heater in one corner of a fish aquarium warm the whole aquarium? (1 point)The heater creates convection currents,
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    2. views icon 131 views
  4. How does a heater in one corner of a fish aquarium warm the whole aquarium?The heater warms the glass The heater warms the air
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    2. Hi asked by Hi
    3. views icon 481 views
  5. How does a heater in one corner of a fish aquarium warm the whole aquarium?(1 point)Responses The heater creates convection
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    2. views icon 80 views
  6. How does a heater in one corner of a fish aquarium warm the whole aquarium?(1 point)Responses The heater creates convection
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    2. views icon 50 views
  7. How does a heater in one corner of a fish aquarium warm the whole aquarium?(1 point)Responses The heater creates convection
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    2. views icon 118 views
  8. 1. An electric space heater draws 15.0 A from a 120 V source. It is operated, on average, for 5.0h (hours) each day. a) How much
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    2. Carly asked by Carly
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  9. if the 5-ohm heater in problem 15 is placed with a 15-ohm heater, what current will the 15-ohm heater draw from the same power
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    2. roland asked by roland
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  10. An energy saver heater uses 24% less energy than the older heater model. The older heater uses $350 worth of energy per year. A
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    2. Jenny asked by Jenny
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