A hungry 675 -N bear

  1. What does the following simile really mean: I am as hungry as a bear!Responses A.The speaker has been eating all day. B.The
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    2. views icon 62 views
  2. .Identify the complete subject in the following sentence. The hungry bear searched for food at the campsite. The hungry bear
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    2. views icon 44 views
  3. In adventures of Isabel the only one of Isabel's enemies who survives is a....?A.The bear B. The witch C. The giant D. The
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    2. Sliverstream asked by Sliverstream
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  4. Read this sentence:Sarah was as hungry as a momma grizzly bear just waking from hibernation. What does the phrase grizzly bear
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    2. meoww :3 asked by meoww :3
    3. views icon 28 views
  5. A hungry 675 -N bear walks out on a beam in an attempt to retrieve some "goodies" hanging at the end. The beam is uniform,
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    2. Emily asked by Emily
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  6. 1) Choose the best answer.What is the first decision in making a teddy bear? Boy or girl bear? Is the bear good or bad? Is the
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    2. views icon 20 views
  7. A hungry bear weighs 700 N walks to a basket of candy that is located inend of a beam . The beam is uniform and weighs 200N ,
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    2. Sylar asked by Sylar
    3. views icon 856 views
  8. A hungry bear weighs 700 N walks to a basket of candy that is located inend of a beam . The beam is uniform and weighs 200N ,
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    2. ??? asked by ???
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  9. in the sentence the hungry bear jumped in the river and caught a salmon. is the predicate simple or compound?
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    2. tsina mi asked by tsina mi
    3. views icon 476 views
  10. Order these bears by their approximate weight, starting with the smallest1 Polar bear 2 Brown bear 3 Sun bear 4 Spectacled bear
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    2. LeoGalleguillos asked by LeoGalleguillos
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