A cable lifts a 1200

  1. A cable lifts a 1200 kg elevator at a constant velocity for a distance of 34.5 m. What is the work done by the tension in the
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    2. Fallon asked by Fallon
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  2. Calculate the work done in each of the following situations.a) A horse pulls a wagon with a force of 1200 N and moves it 15 m.
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    2. Annie asked by Annie
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  3. Calculate the work done in each of the following situations.(a) A horse pulls a wagon with a force of 1200 N and moves it 15 m.
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    2. james asked by james
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  4. A cyllindrical copper cable carries acurrent of 1200 A. There is a potential difference of 1.6×10−2 V between two points on
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    2. Chris asked by Chris
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  5. An elevator has a mass of 1200.0 kg. It is rising at a steady acceleration DOWNWARD of -3.00 m/s2. What is the tension in the
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    2. mssailormouth asked by mssailormouth
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  6. The 2500 kg cable car shown in the figure below descends a 200 m high hill. In addition to its brakes, the cable car controls
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    2. Laila asked by Laila
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  7. A cable lifts a 1050-kg elevator at a constant velocity for a distance of 34.1 m. What is the work done by (a) the tension in
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    2. Anonymous asked by Anonymous
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  8. A cable lifts a 1370 kg elevator at a constant velocity for a distance of 42 m. What is the work done by each of the following?(
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    2. Mary asked by Mary
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  9. A cable lifts a 1220-kg elevator at a constant velocity for a distance of 39.7 m. What is the work done by the tension in the
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    2. Yuli asked by Yuli
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  10. A rescue helicopter lifts a 85.8-kg person straight up by means of a cable. The person has an upward acceleration of 0.643 m/s2
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    2. Anonymous asked by Anonymous
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