1. Why does Scrooge object

  1. What does Scrooge do for Bob that completely shocks him?Scrooge fires him Scrooge gives him a raise Scrooge tells him to go home
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  2. Why do the scoundrels in Act II, Scene 4, of A Christmas Carol, have access to Scrooge’s possessions?a Scrooge died alone with
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    2. nuber 11 asked by nuber 11
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  3. in act 1 scene 2 of a christmas carol scrooge and marley why does scrooge objectto people enjoying Christmas?
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    2. yeeee asked by yeeee
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  4. In act 1 scene 2 of a christmas carol scrooge and marley, why does scrooge object to people enjoying christmas?
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    2. Sarah asked by Sarah
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  5. In act 1 scene 2 of a christmas carol scrooge and marley, why does scrooge object to people enjoying christmas?
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    2. jjiiddss asked by jjiiddss
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  6. 1. In Act II, Scene 4, of A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley, Present repeats the words "Workhouses and prisons". Why does he
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    2. Carolina asked by Carolina
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  7. HERE ARE THE ESSAY QUESTIONS:‘Even when the business began to earn large profits, I still saved my money like Scrooge,’
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    2. Language Arts Style Unit Test asked by Language Arts Style Unit Test
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  8. What is the object of the preposition in sentence?Scrooge will walk alone from his offices. A. alone B. Scrooge C. walk D.
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    2. ? asked by ?
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  9. Ebenezer Scrooge's changes between Act 1 and Act 2 of A Christmas Carol:Scrooge and Marley. In a essay, describe these changes
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    2. Alex asked by Alex
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  10. Which detail from the text best supports that the narrator is critical of Scrooge? (1 point)"Scrooge never painted out old
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