It seems like you're looking for possible questions Xavier might ask himself before commenting on his friend's photo, where he feels she looks tired. Here are a few questions he might consider:
Is my comment likely to hurt her feelings?
- If he thinks it might, then he might decide not to post.
Does she often appreciate honesty, or is she sensitive about her appearance?
- Understanding her personality can help inform his decision.
Would I want someone to tell me if I looked tired?
- This reflects on his own values and the nature of friendship.
Is there a way to express my concern without being hurtful?
- He could consider framing his comment more positively.
Am I saying this out of genuine concern or just for a laugh?
- Self-reflecting on his motives is important.
Will this comment affect our friendship?
- He might think about the potential consequences of his words.
Is this the right time and place for this comment?
- Timing can be crucial in how a comment is received.
These questions would help him gauge the appropriateness of his comment without necessarily indicating that he should post it.