word bank : belize,costa rica ,coffee, cuba,honduras,lead,mestizos,multicultural,oil,panama canal,puerto rico,rice,sugar cane, slavery,canal
2.___was introduced in the caribbean after indians died from european diseases.
3.central america is an ___between north and south america
12.Chief export of central america =
14. major crop of cuba (two words) =
15. island commonwealth under the control of the united states government =
16.the ___ ___ was built by the united states
17.central america and islands of the caribbean are rich in ___ traditions:indians,seven different languages,and european nations colonized region.
18. __ __ is the richest centarl american nation
21.a money crop for central american nations =
22. valuable resource found off the coast of trinidad.
23 central american country,formally british honduras
24. mineral found in central america
thank you.
im so sorry for alot of the questions
i truely did not have enough time
but thank you for helping me
6 answers
By the way ISTHMUS is one of the answers, but it's not in your word bank.