Why was it harder for Beowulf to kill Grendel's mother than Grendel himself?
3 answers
Thanks for not helpiing jack.
From your response, may I assume you wished to be "spoon fed?" Did you try any of those sites because the answer to your post is there several times.
Did you even read the description of how long and how difficult it was to kill her? First of all, it takes him hours to swim in the water before he gets to her underwater cave. Note the fact that Beowulf was able to kill Grendel with his bare hands while he needed full armour to defeat Grendel’s mother. Grendel’s mother is described as a:
“…monstrous hell-bride, brooded on her wrongs. She had been forced down into fearful waters, the cold depths, after Cain killed his father’s son, felled his own brother with a sword.” (Lines 1261- 65)
Hopefully you will now be happier?
Did you even read the description of how long and how difficult it was to kill her? First of all, it takes him hours to swim in the water before he gets to her underwater cave. Note the fact that Beowulf was able to kill Grendel with his bare hands while he needed full armour to defeat Grendel’s mother. Grendel’s mother is described as a:
“…monstrous hell-bride, brooded on her wrongs. She had been forced down into fearful waters, the cold depths, after Cain killed his father’s son, felled his own brother with a sword.” (Lines 1261- 65)
Hopefully you will now be happier?
... and hopefully, you'll be less rude in the future.
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If you are not willing to read links that tutors have pointed out to you and do your own thinking, your future schoolwork (not to mention attitude in life) is in jeopardy.