Why is it important to make changes to size, ranges of movement and level in a dance?

19 answers

Why is it important to make changes in size, shape, color, texture, and height in a flower arrangement?
http://www.thegardener.btinternet.co.uk/flowerarranging25.html See if some of these designs help you answer the question on dance.
Sra the site u gave me won't open. and i don't understand wut bobpursley is asking me?
i don't understand this metaphore ur trying to show me bobpursley.
Becca. Your question is answered by the flower arrangement question. Look at the pictures I sent, and see if you see the connection to the art form of dance. If that fails, Sra gave you the answer in her opening sentence.
its beeca. and sra didn't give me the answer, she gave me a website that won't open!
Did you even read the first sentence of Sra's post??
This certainly would make a dance more interesting. Try the following GOOGLE Search:
thats the first sentance of Sra's post. WHich i don't understand how that could be the answer.
Sra's link opened for me. Do your parents have some restrictions on your computer?
Imagine what it would look like to have all the dancers on stage in a row doing nothing. Is that interesting??
i dunno. it just ownt work. wut do the websites say?
no. its not interesting. what do u think would be interesting?



(Broken Link Removed) - 13k
ugh. i read the last one cuz its the only one that would work. but i wouldnt find the answers that i was looking for.
Use your imagination, Beeca -- think, imagine, think.We can point you in various directions, but we cannot do your imagining or thinking for you. This is clearly a question intended to make you visualize something. Bobpursley's analogy with a flower arrangement is perfect.

Think. Imagine.
Beeca, all you had to do was click on the "blue line" to go to the GOOGLE Search. In any event, here are some of the things you would have seen:

Changing the level, movement, etc. will make the dance more individualistic. In addition to creating a "work of art" dance is a wonderful to exercise muscles and learn "cooperation" between arms, hand, head, feet, etc. I then becomes an expression of the dancer's thoughts and feelings.

thanks Sra :) and other people. I have another question on dance if u don't mind. Ill try to think more on my own this time.How does varying floor patterns and and spatial relationship effect the overall quality of a dance performance? plz help! thx!
i just don't really know wut varying floor patterns and spatial relationship are.
Because when your dancing you want people to see different levels. like low medium and high.
it gives them more to look at and it looks alot cooler.
Movements should be big and full out.