Why do the cheeky girls look slightly different?

9 answers

When you say "cheeky" are you referring to physical characteristics or attitude?

And are we talking about some specific cheeky girls - in which case which ones - or cheeky girls in general?
Dear CheekyBoi,
I have been doing a topic about Variation in science at school. The reasons there are some differences are mostly environmental.
If Monica is taller, it might mean that she ate healthier stuffs than Gabriella. So she might be taller for that reason. One of them might be a little fatter than the other, that’s because she doesn’t eat as much healthy stuffs. I also noticed that they wear a lot of makeup. The shades you do with the makeup might make their faces look different. They have a lot of money, so they might’ve used that money for surgery. Also some people prefer having their hair on the side and others in the middle, which might be why they look a little different. This also means that they have their own style of eyebrow.
Also, when they were born they looked very alike, but when twins grow up, they look different because they don’t have the same DNA; nobody in this world has the same DNA as someone else, not even twins. So they might have the same genes, but never the same DNA. Maybe they had accidents when they were young that made them look slightly different. So scars could be a reason. Like maybe when they were in the belly of the mom
Why do they look slightly different?
Identical twins are never identical. They have the same genes but genes aren’t always the same. Even in the womb there can be small differences. So even though they have the same genes lots of other factors alter how they eventually look as adults: what position they had in the womb, who ate what throughout their life, who did sport, who lazed around, who got sick, etc. They all lend to small differences but this at least helps the parents out in telling them apart. They look different because they both inherited genes from their parents, but different combinations were picked from the genes for both of them, which makes them look different. The reasons there are some differences are mostly environmental.
If Monica is taller, it might mean that she ate healthier things than Gabriella, so that could be why she is taller. One of them might be a little fatter than the other,that might be because she might eat unhealthy things. I also noticed that they wear a lot of makeup. The shades you do with the makeup might make their faces look different. They have a lot of money, so they might’ve used that money for surgery. Also some people prefer having their hair on the side and others in the middle, which might be why they look a little different. This also means that they have their own style of eyebrow. When they were born they looked very alike, but when twins grow up, they look different because they don’t have the same DNA; nobody in this world has the same DNA as someone else, not even twins. So they might have the same genes, but never the same DNA
How identical twins are formed
Identical (monozygotic) twins form when a single fertilised egg (ovum) splits in two. Fraternal (dizygotic) twins develop from two eggs fertilised by two sperm, and are no more alike than individual brothers or sisters (siblings) born at different times.
Dear CheekyBoi,
I have been doing a topic about variation in science at school. The reasons there are some differences are mostly environmental.
If Monica is taller, it might mean that she ate healthier food than Gabriella. So she might be taller for that reason. One of them might be fatter than the other, that's because she doesn't eat as much healthy food. I also noticed that they wear a lot of makeup. The shades you do with the makeup might make their faces look different. They have a lot of money, so they might've used that money for surgery. Also some people prefer having their hair on the side and others in the middle, which might be why they look a little different. This also means that they have their own style of eyebrow.
Also, when they were born they looked very alike, but when twins grow up , they look different because they don't have the same DNA, nobody in this world has the same DNA as someone else, not even twins.So they might have the same genes, but never the same DNA. Maybe they had accidents when they were young that made them look slightly different.So scars could be a reason. Like maybe when they were in the belly of the mom.
Identical twins are never identical. They have the same genes but genes are't always the same. Even in the womb there can be small differences. So even though they have the same genes lots of other factors alter how they eventually look as adults:What position they had in the womb,who ate what throughout their life,who did sport,who lazed around,who got sick etc.They all lend to small differences but this at least helps the parents out in telling them apart.They look different because they both inherited genes from their parents,but different combinations were picked from the genes for both of them,which makes them look different.
Dear CheekyBoi, i have been doing the topic of 'Variation' in Science, and i thought i'd inform you on what differences i think there are between the Cheeky Girls. First I will explain how twins are made, so once an egg is fertilised from intercourse it can either stay as one or can split. Before splitting, the DNA needs to copy exactly but this is always successful, like humans it can make a small mistake which can change the height, eye colour or something else due to only a small part of the DNA effecting this.If they split, they will share (almost) the same genetics. In the womb, twins will have nearly the exact same DNA but when they are born, it will change a bit and the twin will use it differently. One twin will always be a bit fatter because no one is the same weight but the reason for this is because the other twin may have a healthier living. The cheeky girls are also quite rick from there hit songs, this could result in one twin having plastic surgery- this is an enviourmental variation.
thanks guys
Dear CheekyBoi,
I have recently been studying variation in school and i'm going to explain to you why these girls look slightly different:

Identical twin sisters are born completely identical, the only thing that would be different is finger prints, but the environment around people can change the way they act/look.

For example, Monica is slightly taller than Gabriella, meaning she may have been eating healthier food or drinks or she may have taken the correct vitimas to make her grow, this could also affect the weight of the girls. If Monica ate healthier than Gabriella, Monica would be slimmer and a bit more healthy.

The girls also wear quite a bit of makeup, contouring could possibly be the reason why one has more of a bold cheekbone than the other. This could also be the reason why one has slightly bigger lips and a different eyebrow shape.

As you can probably see, these girls have quite a bit of money, so they may have used it for surgery to make their appearance different to their original look and obviously a surgeon isn’t going to be able to make every person look identical, which leads to my next reason. Eyebrow waxing, now, one of the girls may have a medical condition or more sensitive skin than the other, therefore one may have to get their eyebrows threaded while one could get them waxed, this means their eyebrows are being done a different way so they’re going to be a different shape.

Getting sick could also have changes on their appearance, for example, if something happened to one of them and they couldn't eat for 2 weeks while the other could eat whatever they pleased, it would affect their weight, height, ect.

They may have had accidents during their younger years, such as breaking a nose for example, this would lead to their nose having a few dents in it or being moved slightly, which is why their facial features may be a tiny bit different.
dear cheeky boi, ur fat