Which of the following graphics would add the most relevant information to "The deadliest Tsunami in History"?

a. a graph showing depth of the sea floor at several affected locations
b. a photograph of a man who escaped to high ground
c. an illustration showing how a tsunami is formed
d. a map showing locations of other tsunamis in history***

79 answers

I agree.
Why do u put like three stars in the end is the the answer
@ allie to let people know what hthere answer is^
thats so obvy and chy your responce is 8 months later i don't thing she read it and mine is a year later and 2 months
I’m reading this in 2019 but I doug anyone is reading this:)
I love reading all of the responses from years ago
hey to who ever may read this, we probably will never meet on here again but just wanted to say that you are loved. i hope you have a good day and make sure to stay hydrated and eat every meal.
I’m in 2019 !!! Anyone from connections ??
I'm in 2019 almost 2020 not really but whatever...........
Hello from the future, 2020..... @^@
Welcome to the future we now have flying cars
Midnight in for a rude awakening smh 2020 sucks man
Great, you guys awakened 2020. Now we have to scream Jumanji on New Years because I don't know about you guys but I'm done with this year
decem 15, 2020, someone post the answer already!!!!
its that time of year again boys make some of us will make it and some wont goodluck out there
It’s 1/6/2021 and I’m taking the final test...
Guys 2021 is almost done and it wasn't as bad as 2020. Make sure you guys are drinking water and eating regularly! Get the vaccine :) have a great day
Almost thanksgiving, y'all stay safe.
Almost Christmas y’all
15 more days till christmas. Hope everyone has a good rest of the year
12 or 11 days until Christmas. Have a good rest of the year. Taking the final right now and it is not good for me. Hate tests with a passion.
Sheesh Almost Christmas let’s keep this chain going :) hope everyone has an amazing day or an amazing life for that matter
ALMOST CHRISTMAS!! hope all of your days are amazing!!!
anyone have the connexus English 9 A exam answers
Yeah anyone have the answers i don't wanna fail
This final kicking my buttttt-
but anyways, y'all stay safe... ITS ALMOST CHRISTMAS!!
We have like 9 days left, I think im not too sure... lol
i’m so glad we’re all on the same pageee these finals are something elseee
AGSHSJS I still have 2 more finals to do 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
almost at christmas, y’all stay safe out there ‼️‼️😀
8 more days till Christmas 👁👄👁 y’all stay safe and have fun,
Aahhh it’s the 19th and I’m pumped to see everyone who is probably in my Connexus class here y’all ready for Christmas break?!?!?
I still have my math final to do-, and I like-
don't want to do it...
But yeah, I am ready for Christmas break!!
Same just my math exam and I’m off!!!!😆
Less than a week until Christmas have fun but be careful everyone
Christmas is in 2 days happy holidays everyone 😌
this chain was so cute anyways it’s 2022!!! Happy new year everyone! good luck on your exams for everyone in the future.
I agree with J! woot woot 2022!!
Keep this year chain thing up! Happy 2022 let's hope this year isn't like last year. Anyways- I hope you all past your exams. I'm on question 11 so wish me luck.
it’s 2022!! i love this chain keep it going <3
I hope u all have a good 2021 and years after but rn im freaking out so much dawg i need to finish this by 10pm and i still gotta do stuff smh
I really like this chain that's going on, I wonder how long we can keep this up for. Anyways 2022... I cant believe it. I hope you all have a great year along with the ones to come!! <3
Hey guys happy 2022!!!! Still don’t know the answer and some of the first few people here have the same name as me! Exams due tomorrow… If anyone wants to contact me, if u have an apple phone message me at oc2021 have a good one guys!!!! And don’t get caught cheating. I’m just here to check my answers because i forgot to read the deadliest tsunami in history
Gotta get this in before its due, good luck to everyone else
i love this chain so much... i hope you all get good grades on your classes for this semester. u deserve it <3
Ain’t no way this chain has been going for 5 years bro 💀
Lolol, frrrr 💀
5 years i-- welp.
Wait... y'all add me on D i s c o r d Mochiii ✨#8556
Bro I just red a time machine 😂
It's D btw y'all
18 Days till Christmas!
Lets start it over!
Love this thread lmfao yall can add my iyw but pls give me the answers 😭
13 days until Chrismas guys
Wow- This chain was adorable
I know right
12 days till Christmas
11 Days till Christmas Actually
i love how no one posted the answers to the exam :')
10 days to CHRISTMAS YALL, tell somebody you love them.
finna be 2023 lets go im gonna be watching Sword art online for the 3rd time this year lol
10 days till Christmas and 16 days till 2023!!!!!
taking my last final rn! good luck to everyone next year
9 days WWWWW
This chain has been going on 6 damn years
lets go anyone else read all the comments im happy its getting to the end of the year because this one sucked for me.Happy holidays and new years keep the chain going lol.
Christmas is almost here 😭❤️😜
Its 2023
its 2023 and life hasnt gotten anybetter and i cant remeber much from the last 2 years
crazy seeing comments from 2016 and its 2023
2023 so far a bad year :/
Add me on discord TheChickenZZ#9233
anyone still hereee
2023 halloween!!!