Which character in A Scarlet Letter displays the most integrity? Why do you feel this way? Back up your answer with evidence from the story.

this one is tough cuz all of them could be

4 answers

This is an opinion question -- asking for YOUR opinion.

Here's a pertinent definition of "integrity" from Dictionary.com.

"1. adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty."

Which character do YOU think was the most honest and kept to his moral principles? You need to choose one of the characters and then support your reasons with evidence from the story.
I believe that the character who showed the most integrity was Hester. She remained honest and true to herself. As a matter of fact, over the 7 years, Hester grew mature and wiser as a human. She contributed to her society. She stayed true to herself. She taught her daughter about morals and right and wrong.
ok with honesty both Hester and Dimmesdale portrayed the most integrity, if you are leaning towards Dimmesdale, Dimmesdale had the courage to reveal the truth, instead of continuing his life with concealing the truth, with Hester, she definitely shaped into a wiser person through the taunts of society and contributed to society through charity work to reflect her true image and intentions that people seem to see past and ignore. She stayed true to herself.
I'd say it had to be Hester since she was willing to face her consequences and bravely stand in embarassment (her entrance in chapter 2). She also made Pearl's life a priority and protected Pearl from being taken away by the governor (I don't remember which chapter but when Hester uses the "A" to defend why she should keep Pearl)