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where does islam part company with judaism and christainity
5 answers
Pretty much at the beginning. Some people will lie and say that Islam and Christianity are the same, but they really aren't. To start at the beginning, Judaism and Christianity are not too similar, so you can't ask where two different religions part with an even more different one.
I believe Kiera is incorrect. You could also look at Hinduism and Buddhism to see connections between them.
I believe Kiera is incorrect. You could also look at Hinduism and Buddhism to see connections between them.
To answer Writeacher, we didn't say that there weren't similarities, we just said that they aren't the same religion.
I can say quite firmly that Judaism and Christianity are not too similar, let alone Islam and Christianity. I would not say that Jews and Christians worship the smae God, let alone Muslims and Christians because Christians believe that God is trinitarian (three parts - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit). Christians believe that Jesus is the Son in this trinity. Jews only believe in God the Father and reject the half of the Bible called the New Testament. Muslims believe in a god who is a different god than is represented in the Jewish and Christian scriptures. They believe that Jesus was born as a prophet like Moses and Mohammed. They believe that Jesus did not die on the cross but that he was taken up to Heaven to be spared from humiliation.
The similarities between these religions rely on their place of origin, namely the Middle East. The cultures of these places would lead to the developement of similar religions (and also because the Muslims did descend from the son of the Jewish patriarch Abraham).
I can say quite firmly that Judaism and Christianity are not too similar, let alone Islam and Christianity. I would not say that Jews and Christians worship the smae God, let alone Muslims and Christians because Christians believe that God is trinitarian (three parts - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit). Christians believe that Jesus is the Son in this trinity. Jews only believe in God the Father and reject the half of the Bible called the New Testament. Muslims believe in a god who is a different god than is represented in the Jewish and Christian scriptures. They believe that Jesus was born as a prophet like Moses and Mohammed. They believe that Jesus did not die on the cross but that he was taken up to Heaven to be spared from humiliation.
The similarities between these religions rely on their place of origin, namely the Middle East. The cultures of these places would lead to the developement of similar religions (and also because the Muslims did descend from the son of the Jewish patriarch Abraham).
Islam began with a Christian and Judaism base around 600 A.D. when Mohammad's followers believed that he was the latest prophet of God/Allah. Muslims accept much of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament but believe the Koran as taught by Mohammad to be God's latest instructions to people.