Where can I find examples of a formative assesment a summative assessment a formative evaluation and a summative evaluation. And can you tell me what the difference is between the assessments and the evaluations. From what I understand in my text, assessments are used in education and evaluations are used in businesses or for employees.
4 answers
Can no one help me with this???
What definitions for summative and formative assessments and evaluations does your text give?
Sorry this took so long. I was offline for a while. This might help clarify things for you:
And, yes, I have not read your text, so what it means by formative and summative, I don't know for sure. I would make a guess that "formative" means an assessment while something is in progress with suggestions for improvement, while evaluative might mean at the end of the class or school year, etc., when no further improvement is possible.