example : ParlER
je - parlE
tu -parlES
il/elle - parlE
on - parlE
nous - parlONS
vous - parlEZ
ils/elles - parlENT
* this is for present tense
what r the forms of er verbs
2 answers
Thank you both for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Bien fait, Sarah!
NOTE: the endings for je, il, elle, on are all alike. Drop the -er (infinitive) ending of any regular -er verb, and add these endings: e, es, e, ons, ez, ent.
NOTE also that there ordinarily 3 English translations for one form. Example: Je parle = I speak, I DO speak, I AM speakING.
NOTE: the endings for je, il, elle, on are all alike. Drop the -er (infinitive) ending of any regular -er verb, and add these endings: e, es, e, ons, ez, ent.
NOTE also that there ordinarily 3 English translations for one form. Example: Je parle = I speak, I DO speak, I AM speakING.