What must people know or understand about a place in order to belong

How do they gain that knowledge or understanding?
What types of experiences can tell people that they do not belong?
In what cases might a person draw conclusions about others based on the place to which
they belong?
Summarize and present your ideas.
I need help on this subject, my mom said just write something down but being in CA sucks, and I need a good grade on this subject, thank you. :)

15 answers

What does your text say?
I don't have one, it just says to do this, I just have to write stuff for it.
Do you mean that your school or teacher didn't provide you with any text or suggest any web site????
What school is this?
CA (Connections Academy)
Do you mean that your school or teacher didn't provide you with any text or suggest any web site????
To belong to a place people need to understand and adopt the language and the ethos.

If CA doesn't even suggest resources, then it is not an educational institution.
This site tells a different story.

Without some reading about other people's experiences, and some insight from sociology and psychology, I fear you'll have a hard time with this one. I don't know what grade your are in, or your age, but I doubt a young person has enough life experience to answer these questions on his/her own. Here are some articles that might help you formulate some ideas:

How many of the articles that Reed posted for you have you read?
none \_('-')_/
Whoa! Article crap!??

You, unfortunately, do not understand education. We learn from articles. But since you choose not to read them, obviously you do not want to learn.

Please just stop posting and start learning.
Connections Academy has lessons and you can go through previos lessons for information, but the do give you a online textbook, usually Pearson, so that you arn't completely clueless. Please stop telling others that CA doesn't provide anything. And, there are links on your homepage, in your lesson, and the teachers are happy to help.
"please just stop posting and STArt LEARNING BOI Were not cheating, were we need help with these questions OUR TEAcHER DIDNT GIVE US a BOOK TO ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS SO STOP TELLING US WHAT TO TO DO AND START HELP PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOOOD.!

have a nice day> :)
Ms. Sue I used your ideas on belonging in a place in my own words and mutch longer of course and I got a 30 no offense but nobody use Ms. Sues answers