What is the thesis statement in the following passage?
The scarlet letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne uses different settings to help shape the novel and also the characters. The clever use of Hawthorne's settings truly makes the scarlet letter a masterpiece of literature. The setting that Hawthorne describes is the prison door setting, where a cemetery is also located, the market play, where a scaffold is represented, the governor's hall, and the forest. Indeed, many of the chapter titles in the scarlet letter are setting, an indication of the importance of setting in the novel. Hawthorne uses these settings in a variety of ways: to establish tone and mood; to develop character and to establish symbolism.
The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne uses different settings to help shape the novel and also the characters.
The clever use of Hawthorne’s settings truly makes The Scarlet Letter a masterpiece of literature.
Hawthorne uses these settings in a variety of ways: to establish tone and mood; to develop character; and to establish symbolism. THIS ONE
2.What is the correct citation for a book with one author?
P.D. Eastman. “Are You My Mother?” Beginner Books, 1960.
Eastman, P.D. Are You My Mother? USA, Beginner Books: 1960. THIS ONE
Eastman, P.D. Are You My Mother?. Beginner Books, 1960.
3.Which is the correct citation for a book by two or more authors? *
Jakobson, Roman, and Linda R. Waugh. The Sound Shape of Language. Indiana UP, 1979. THIS ONE
Roman, Jakobson, and Linda R. Waugh. The Sound Shape of Language. 1979. Indiana UP.
Jakobson, Roman, and Linda R. Waugh. The Sound Shape of Language. Indiana UP, Bloomington: 1979.
2 answers
2. If Are You My Mother? is in italics, yes.
3. I don't think any of them are correct. A and C are correct regarding the authors' names, but none are correct regarding the publishing info.