To express the number 8,471.716 in expanded form, we break it down into its individual components based on place value. Here’s how we can do that:
Whole Number Part (8,471):
- 8,000 (8 in the thousands place)
- 400 (4 in the hundreds place)
- 70 (7 in the tens place)
- 1 (1 in the ones place)
Decimal Part (0.716):
- 0.7 (7 in the tenths place)
- 0.01 (1 in the hundredths place)
- 0.006 (6 in the thousandths place)
Now, putting it all together, we have:
Expanded form of 8,471.716: \[ 8,000 + 400 + 70 + 1 + 0.7 + 0.01 + 0.006 \]
This representation clearly shows the value of each digit in the number, allowing for a better understanding of its composition.