quel, quelle, quels, quelles = adjectives = what; what sort of; which; what a (in an exclamation = quelle belle ville! = what a beautiful city) OR the interrogative adjective = what (quel st le but = what is the purpose) OR the indefinite adjective = whoever (quel que soit l'homme = whoever the man may be; whatever (quelles que soient les difficultés = whatver/whichever difficulties there may be)
lequel, laquelle, lesquels, lesquelles (auquel, etc. with à and duquel, etc. with de) = relative pronoun = who, whom; which, which one
the forms combined with "de" and used as relative pronouns sometimes mean "whose" as in "l'étudiant avec la soeur duquel j'ai dansé = the student with whose sister I danced.
Good question! As you can see it has to do with the part of speech.
What is the difference between quel and lequel?
1 answer