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what is a regoin
3 answers
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Check the spelling as there is no such word as "regoin." IF you mean "region" what is wrong for a good dictionary for definitions?
Main Entry: reĀ·gion
Pronunciation: 'rE-j&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin region-, regio, from regere to rule
Date: 14th century
1 : an administrative area, division, or district; especially : the basic administrative unit for local government in Scotland
2 a : an indefinite area of the world or universe <few unknown regions left on earth> b : a broad geographical area distinguished by similar features <the Appalachian region> c (1) : a major world area that supports a characteristic fauna (2) : an area characterized by the prevalence of one or more vegetational climax types
3 a : any of the major subdivisions into which the body or one of its parts is divisible b : an indefinite area surrounding a specified body part <a pain in the region of the heart>
4 : a sphere of activity or interest : FIELD
5 : any of the zones into which the atmosphere is divided according to height or the sea according to depth
6 : an open connected set together with none, some, or all of the points on its boundary <a simple closed curve divides a plane into two regions>
Main Entry: D region
Function: noun
Date: 1930
: the lowest part of the ionosphere occurring approximately between 30 and 55 miles (50 and 90 kilometers) above the surface of the earth
Main Entry: E region
Function: noun
Date: 1930
: the part of the ionosphere occurring between 55 and 80 miles (90 and 130 kilometers) above the surface of the earth and containing the daytime E layer and the sporadic E layer
You must check the context, or exactly how the word is used.
Main Entry: reĀ·gion
Pronunciation: 'rE-j&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin region-, regio, from regere to rule
Date: 14th century
1 : an administrative area, division, or district; especially : the basic administrative unit for local government in Scotland
2 a : an indefinite area of the world or universe <few unknown regions left on earth> b : a broad geographical area distinguished by similar features <the Appalachian region> c (1) : a major world area that supports a characteristic fauna (2) : an area characterized by the prevalence of one or more vegetational climax types
3 a : any of the major subdivisions into which the body or one of its parts is divisible b : an indefinite area surrounding a specified body part <a pain in the region of the heart>
4 : a sphere of activity or interest : FIELD
5 : any of the zones into which the atmosphere is divided according to height or the sea according to depth
6 : an open connected set together with none, some, or all of the points on its boundary <a simple closed curve divides a plane into two regions>
Main Entry: D region
Function: noun
Date: 1930
: the lowest part of the ionosphere occurring approximately between 30 and 55 miles (50 and 90 kilometers) above the surface of the earth
Main Entry: E region
Function: noun
Date: 1930
: the part of the ionosphere occurring between 55 and 80 miles (90 and 130 kilometers) above the surface of the earth and containing the daytime E layer and the sporadic E layer
You must check the context, or exactly how the word is used.
If you've found this sentence
"More messages after showing your photo to everyone in the regoin"
in a particular phone app - clearly they mean "Region" however, when choosing to chat with others in the app... every single person will be in your region even when they are literally half way across the world. A badly made app I shall unsubscribe from :/
"More messages after showing your photo to everyone in the regoin"
in a particular phone app - clearly they mean "Region" however, when choosing to chat with others in the app... every single person will be in your region even when they are literally half way across the world. A badly made app I shall unsubscribe from :/