What happened to airplane manufacturing after World War II?
1 Airplane manufacturers began producing goods for the oil industry.
2 Airplane manufacturing rebounded and produced airplanes, parts, and equipment.
3 Airplane manufacturing decreased in Texas as shipbuilding became dominant.
4 Factories for airplane manufacturing were relocated to California.
26 answers
What does your text say? Was airplane manufacturing a major industry in Texas during World War II? Did the plants convert to civilian goods, close down, or what? I don't have your textbook, so I can't give you the answer You'll have to find it yourself.
If your text materials are not helpful, you may find what you need here: https://www.google.com/search?ei=qFaUWoO-MqvS0gLXtaaADg&q=airplane+manufacturing+in+texas+after+world+war+2&oq=airplane+manufacturing+in+texas+after+world+war+2&gs_l=psy-ab.3..33i22i29i30k1l3.78619.84243.0.84796.
Also after looking up the author of the site you gave me the person didn't seem to be "look up able" so eh... ;^;
Which of the hundreds of sites in that link do you mean?
The site is a list of articles about the aviation industry in Texas. If you cannot or will not read any of them (one is about the history of aviation industries in Texas), then I cannot help you.
You can learn a lot by reading your assigned materials and/or by "googling" your topic. :)
None of the answers are correct, despite what your text may say. So if you find somthing in your text, use it.
Total sales by American aircraft firms were $16 billion in 1944; by 1947 they were only $1.2 billion. In Texas, the decline was steep. Shipbuilding also came to a standstill after WWII and the Victory ships. The oil industry did boom, but it had little effect from the declining aviation industry in Dallas and Ft Worth. The answer number D is wrong, because the plants closing in Texas had little to do With California, and the overall nationwide decline affected all. Yes, Grumman in Ft worth did do some work in California, but it was not a result of relocation to Calif, only in a minor sense.
Now the war employees of the Aviation industry is another: most of the engineers did relocate, but most of the production works found other work anywhere they could get it. The Ford automobile plant greatly expanded in the post war time, folks were buying cars "Built in Texas". But again, that was not the result of the decline of the Aviation industry in Dallas.
Good luck.
Total sales by American aircraft firms were $16 billion in 1944; by 1947 they were only $1.2 billion. In Texas, the decline was steep. Shipbuilding also came to a standstill after WWII and the Victory ships. The oil industry did boom, but it had little effect from the declining aviation industry in Dallas and Ft Worth. The answer number D is wrong, because the plants closing in Texas had little to do With California, and the overall nationwide decline affected all. Yes, Grumman in Ft worth did do some work in California, but it was not a result of relocation to Calif, only in a minor sense.
Now the war employees of the Aviation industry is another: most of the engineers did relocate, but most of the production works found other work anywhere they could get it. The Ford automobile plant greatly expanded in the post war time, folks were buying cars "Built in Texas". But again, that was not the result of the decline of the Aviation industry in Dallas.
Good luck.
Its not the third one, i got that one wrong
people just say the answer jeez
just made a 100 ez clap
just made a 100 ez clap
king is correct!
Thanks! Byeeee!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the answers!!!
100 thank king
Thxs king!! Answers r correct 100%
thanks king hh
Thank you! I needed the help checking!
ok sure you were checking lol it’s ok tho
Thx I got a 100%
Cmon guys just say the answers!!! It’s not that hard! I made a 100
Cmon guys just say the answers!!! It’s not that hard! I made a 100
Thxxx!!!! Nicole ur answers were correct!!! Omg thx for the 100
Your welcome!
king is correct as of 2021
Thank king
have a good day guys ur welcome lol!
king is right!!